The First Time

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I pulled up to his house and put the truck in park. I opened the door to my truck and walked up to the door. I wiped my clammy hands on my pants before lightly knocking on the door.

I could hear the faint sound of stairs creaking behind the door. The door opened to reveal my beautiful blue eyed boy. His eyes lit up and a goofy grin planted itself on his face. "Ready?" I asked. He nodded and closed the door a bit. He called out to his mom, telling her that he'd be back later. He came back to me with a jacket over his arm. "Let's go." His face held an excited smile.

I walked a bit further in front of him to open his door for him. I closed the door and made my way to my side. I got in and started the truck up. "Do you have everything?" He asked. I nodded my head to the bed of the truck. He turned around and was practically bouncing out of his seat, it was adorable how excited he was. I, on the other hand, was nervous as hell. What if I'm not good at it and he makes fun of me? It's been a really long time since I first did it.

As we neared our destination, his hand found my knee. He gave it a little squeeze before scooting closer to me. He leaned in next to my ear and sexily whisper "I can't wait for this." When he scooted back to his seat, I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding in. I pulled up in front of the dam and put the truck in park. I looked over at him with an unsure look on my face. He smiled and got out of the truck.

We got the stuff we needed out of the back and walked over to a cleared spot near the water. "Are you sure?" I whispered to him. He grabbed my hand and gave me a reassuring squeeze. "I'm sure." He sat behind me and put his hands on my shoulders. He started rubbing my shoulders slowly, causing me to completely relax. He put his lips on my neck and started licking, sucking, nipping all over the pace. I let out a little moan as my head rolled back onto his shoulder.

He smiled and pulled back from my neck. "Let's go." He whispered excitedly. He stood up and reached for my hand to pull me up as well. He got the box and a chair and sat it close to the water. I got my chair and set it a bit closer to the water. He reached to the box between us and got a worm, he handed me one as well. I put it on the hook and grabbed the handle. I put my arm back and casted my line out into the water.

A couple of minutes later Nash started whispering my name. "What, my love?" He blushed at that and pointed towards his line. It was being yanked, rather hard might I add. "Reel it in!" I said loudly. I set my rod besides my chair and stood up. He started reeling the line in and once it got to shore he pulled the fish in. He handed it to me for me to unhook the fish. "I caught a fish! I caught a fish!" He threw his hands in the air and started running around while continuously yelling I got a fish! I threw the fish back into the water before I fell to the ground due to hard I was laughing.

He began laughing as well and fell down besides me. After about a minute, our laughter had died down and our gazes were locked on each other. I rolled onto my side and cupped his cheek. I leaned in and out lips connected. Our lips moved together slowly. I rolled on top of him as our kissed began to get heated. He grabbed the collar of my shirt and pulled my face closer than it already was. My tongue found its way into his and just danced together in a hot motion.

I moved from his lips to his jaw, slowly but surely making my way to his neck. My lips finally came into contact with the sweet tasting skin of his neck. I let my lips move as they wanted across his smooth skin, licking, sucking, nipping. He let out a soft moan as my lips landed upon the most sensitive part of his neck. He tilted his head a bit to let me have more of his addicting skin. I pulled away slightly and moved up to his ear, biting on the lobe gently.

"We have to stop, love. If we continue, i won't be able to control myself." He stuck his bottom lip out in a pout, and I couldn't help myself. I gently bit on his bottom lip and tugged on it before letting go. He let out a light moan. Our lips made contact again, our tongues quickly finding each other and fighting for dominance. I decided to mix it up a bit and pulled my tongue back, his following. I pulled his tongue into my mouth and began sucking on it. I pulled my lips away from his, string of saliva connecting our lips. We both took several deep breaths, obviously out of breath.

I set my forehead on his and we stared into each others eyes while trying to catch out breath. "You're so fucking gorgeous." I whispered. A beautiful blush appeared on his face before he gave me short kiss. "You're pretty cute yourself, Cam." I got up and offered a hand to pull him up.

That night he caught about five more fish. As I expected, i sucked pretty bad. But he didn't ridicule me, instead, every time he caught one and i didn't, he gave me a blowjob. Ha! Just kidding, I wish!

We're in my truck listening to That Don't Sound Like You by Lee Brice, I'm quietly humming the lyrics while Nash is belching them. He had his hands in fists and his eyes closed. His mouth was in a wide smile, he was singing the lyrics as loud as he could.

As we pulled up into his long, curvy driveway, he stopped singing. His wide smile was now a frown. "I don't want you to leave." I smiled and placed a short, gentle kiss on his lips. "I'll see you tomorrow, my love." He nodded. "Can we go fishing again?" He asked excitedly. I grinned and nodded.

My baby loves to fish.

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