The Long Run

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"I wanna meet you in person though," Cameron complains. "I know, babe. It'll come sooner than you think." Nash smiles at how cute Cameron is. "Oh, hold on Cam. Connection is breaking up." Cameron and Nash are on FaceTime, as always. Nash huffs in annoyance as the call drops completely. "Are we almost there?" Nash asks his mother. She nods.

As soon as they reach their destination Nash runs inside to connect to the wifi. He immediately recieves a FaceTime call and he answers. "Hi!" Nash sings in a cheery voice. Cameron laughs. Nash walks outside and sits down on the porch. "Hey Cam?" Cameron hums in response. "I need some advice," Cameron nods, motioning for him to continue. He sits up and listens intensely. "There's this guy I like-" Nash is cut off, "Ooh! Who is he? What does he look like? What's his birthday? Does he prefer boxers or briefs?"

"Okay Cam, calm down. Anyway, this guy. He's cool and he likes me. He asked me out but I don't know what to say because there's this other guy I like way more. But I don't know if he likes me back, or if it would even work out because we're a ways away from each other. What do I do?" Cameron puts his hand on his chin as if he's thinking, "Tell the other guy how you feel. And if he doesn't like you back then I suppose you date the guy who asked you out. Who are these guys, by the way?"

"You only know the one who asked me out. It's Matthew Espinosa." Cameron nods. "I gotta go, dinners ready," They say goodbye and Nash promises to call him back after he's finished. He walks into the dining room and sits down at the table. "So how are things going with Cameron?" Elizabeth asks Nash. "Yeah, Nash. How are things?" Hayes asks with a cheeky grin. Nash kicks Hayes under the table and smiles at his mother. "They're great. He's a really awesome friend."

"So I was thinking about what you said. I'm gonna tell him I like him," It's after dinner and Nash and Cameron are on FaceTime once again. Cameron paints on a happy face for Nash. "I'm so glad. I hope he likes you back and things work." Nash nods nervously. He swallows back his fears and says Cameron's name. "Yeah?" Nash lays down and turns off his lights. Cameron can only make out the faint outline of Nash's face, but Nash prefers it that way for the moment. "I-um," Cameron gives Nash a confused look, he's never been nervous around Cameron before, why now? "You're the other guy.. I like you, a lot."

The sit in silence for what feels like an eternity. Each quiet second that goes by makes the regret of saying what Nash just said build. Nash studies Cameron face and doesn't see a hint of disgust. He looks lost in his thoughts. "I, I like you too, Nash. But I don't know if we would work out. But I mean, I see what you mean when you said you don't know if we'll work out. We're so far away from each other. Complete opposite sides of the country."

"I know, I know. But look at the big picture Cam. It would be worth it in the long run. Soon I'll be eighteen and we can live together. It will be worth it." Cameron nods slowly, he trusts Nash. He doesn't say anything but excitement grows in the pit of Cameron's stomach at the mentioning of moving in together. "Cameron, will you be my boyfriend?" Cameron shakes his head. "Nah," Nash is taken aback. Cameron basically just agreed with Nash that dating him would be good. "I'm kidding. Of course I'll be your boyfriend."

Today marks five happy months of their relationship. One and a half years of being best friend, and five months of dating.

Nash gets off of the plane and looks around for a specific person. He spots Gina and excitedly runs over to her. He takes her in a big hug and they walk to her car. "He knows nothing of this, right?" Gina shakes her head. They're driving to Cameron's school to pick him up, Nash is surprising him. Gina hands Nash her phone and tells her to text Cameron that she's picking him up.

They pull up in the parking lot and they both get out. Nash stands outside leaning against the brick wall.
A/N: why am I nervous for nash though?

Cameron is looking intensely down at his phone and doesn't notice that his mother had stopped walking and is now video taping. Nash can't keep his eyes off of Cameron, he looks even better in person. Nash is about twenty feet away from Cameron when Cameron puts his phone in his pocket. He looks up and stops in his tracks. His eyes widen and he can't believe what he's seeing. He clamps his hand over his mouth and falls to his knees.

Nash rushes over to Cameron and kneels down in front of him. He takes Cameron's hand from his mouth and wipes a tear from Cameron's face. Cameron grabs Nash's shoulders and pulls him into a bear hug. "Hi, baby." Cameron let's out a joyous sob. "I can't believe it's you. You're here. Is this real life?" Nash laughs. "Yeah baby, it's real life."

Cameron hugs him tighter and so does Nash, they can hardly breathe but it doesn't matter. When they pull back, Nash grabs his face and leans in. Cameron is snagged into their first kiss together, the best they've ever had. They pull away and rest their foreheads together, stealing little kisses after that.

Nash stands up and grabs Cameron's hand. He wraps his arm around Cameron, he's still in a bit of shock. They get in the car and Cameron's head is on Nash's shoulder and their hands fingers are tangled together in a cute little mess.

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