It's All Over

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I watch as he walks a couple steps in front of me, gracefully placing one foot in front of the other. He looks back over his shoulder and gives me a flirtatious smile and turns towards me fully while walking backwards. "Come on!" He says excitedly, jumping a bit while he does. I smile as he reaches for my hand and pulls me along.

"Come on, we're almost there!" He tugs on my hand harder and we finally reach our destination. "Do you want them to bring us a pizza, or do you want buffet?" I ask him. As I open the door for him, a flutter of noise hits us. I grab back onto his hand and look around the place full of people chatting loudly. "Buffet." I nod and tug him towards the counter. "Table for two, please." A person comes from behind the counter and sits us down at a table. "Would you guys like to order off of the menu or use the buffet?" I replied with buffet and the person walks away.

"I'm so glad you're finally home. It's been weeks since I've seen you." I tell him sweetly. I take his hand in mine and kiss his knuckles. He giggled and I swear the Angels were singing.


We were walking down the road next to the gas station. It was around seven in the evening so it was still pretty light out. He let go of my hand so I figured he was going to talk to one of the other guys. I continued walking alongside Gilinsky. "Cam?" A soft voice whimpered. I turned around and I couldn't believe my eyes.

"Shut the fuck up."  The man growled. He had Nash in his arms with a knife across his neck. "Nash!" I tried to run at the man to get my love, but I was held back by Gilinsky. "Let go of me!" I struggled against the boys but I couldn't get to Nash.

Before I know it, Nash is laying on the ground with blood spurting from his neck. The man slit his throat. "Nash!" I cried. I fell to the ground and cradled Nash in my arms, I didn't care how much blood I got on me. "Nash, baby! Please don't leave me!"

My eyes bust open and my hand flew over my chest. I was gripping at my sweaty skin while tears fell down my cheeks at a rapid pace. I looked to my right and in my bed was lying my dearly beloved. He had a frightened expression glued onto his face.

"Cameron?" He whispered, slowly reaching out to touch me. I flinched at his soft touch. "You're alive," I stated. I grabbed onto his hand and squeezed tightly. "You're alive, Nash. Oh my god you're alive." I repeated. I grabbed him and pulled him into my arms.

"Of course I'm alive, baby. What's gotten into you?" He pulled away with a confused expression.

"Oh God, it was a dream but it was so realistic. We were at a restaurant and we were having a good time and then we walked to the gas station and the jacks appeared and we were all walking together and then a man appeared behind us and he had a knife to your throat and I was trying to help you. God, I was trying to help you but G was holding me back and I couldn't get to you and then the next thing I know, you're laying on the ground at my feet in a pool of your own blood." Tears kept falling down my face, I couldn't get the image of Nash dead out of my head.

He pulled me into his arms and into a tight hug. "It's okay, Cam. It's all over now."

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