I Met a Boy

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Nash made eye contact with the mysterious boy across the room for what seemed like the millionth time in the last ten minutes. The room was packed full with around five hundred people but the only person he could see was the boy. He was dressed similarly to Nash - a slick black tuxedo with a white button up shirt beneath and a tie to top it all off. His brown hair had strips of dirty blonde sticking up in a smooth effortless yet classy looking way; his hair made his eyes pop a glowing honey brown. He was standing alone in the large crowd of people. In one hand he had a wine glass while the other hand was stuffed inside his pants pocket. When their eyes connected again, the boy finally set his wine glass on the table and began making his way towards Nash.

Nash began mentally panicking. Is he actually coming over here? He can't be coming towards me. Surely he doesn't wanna talk to me. Shit, he's looking at me! Does my hair look okay? Anything in my teeth? Does my breath stink? God, I sound like a fangirl that's getting approached by Dylan O'Brien. He laughed at his last thought. Nash finally refocused and trailed his eyes up the boy's body. Shoes, pants, shirt, muscles, face, eyes. When Nash finally met the boy's gaze, he was curiously staring at Nash. The boy took the glass from Nash's hand and grabbed his hand softly. He kept his eyes locked on Nash's as he bent down and kissed his knuckles.  "Care to dance?" His voice was smooth, it was like melted chocolate dripping from rosemary lips. Shellshocked as he was, Nash managed a nod. The nameless boy gave a beautiful grin and led him to the dance floor.

He placed his left hand just under Nash's shoulder blade and his other hand in Nash's. They began slowly moving to the soft beat of the music. The boy took a step forwards, while Nash took one step back. They took a small step, before Nash took a step forwards, and the boy took one step back. They continued doing this in circles, they were both so concentrated on the dancing that they hadn't even talked to each other. "Hello, beautiful." The boy said as he gracefully dipped Nash. Nash nearly squealed as he came close to the ground, but regained his composure. "Hi," He smiled bashfully. Nash suddenly felt very self conscious under the boys intense gaze and focused his eyes on the couple dancing in front of them. The boy placed a finger underneath Nash's chin and lifted it so they were eye to eye. "What's your name?" The boy spoke softly. "Nash. Grier. Nash Grier." Nash ran off his name, he was so nervous and knew that in the future he was going to be embarrassed every time he looked back at this memory. "What's yours?" He spoke softly. He didn't want anyone other than this beautiful human to hear what he was saying. His words were only for him.

"Cameron. You have some beautiful names, Nash." Nash smiled and they continued waltzing with no words being spoken. Nash felt Cameron's thumb trailing lightly over their hands and that were clasped and finally, Nash began to relax into his embrace. He leaned in ever so slightly, and when he found that Cameron didn't make a move to put space between them, he moved the rest of the way to lay his head on Cameron's shoulder, facing his neck. As the end of the song neared, Nash lifted his head from Cameron's shoulder. "I enjoyed dancing with you," Nash spoke softly as he stepped away from Cameron's arms. Cameron grabbed onto his hand and pulled him back so that Nash's back was against his chest. He wrapped his arms around Nash so that he had both hands in his and they swayed from side to side. "Who says we're done dancing?" Cameron whispers, making Nash smile. "I guess no one," Nash said with a laugh.

"Oh, I love this guy. He has an angelic voice." Cameron said as Memories by Shawn Mendes drifted through the speakers. "He really does, Shawn is my best friend." Nash felt Cameron stiffen from behind him. Had he said something wrong? "Shawn Mendes is your best friend?" Cameron asked, voice sounding astonished. Nash grinned and nodded. "That's insane." Cameron stated. He nuzzled his head between Nash's neck and shoulder, his breath hot and sweet on Nash's neck. They swayed slowly to the beat of the music.

"This place is getting really crowded," Nash observed, "You want to get out of here?" Cameron pulled his head away and smiled down at Nash. "Yes. Did you come here with anyone?" Cameron asked. Nash glanced around to see his parents staring directly at him and Cameron with disapproving looks. "No. Let's go." Nash pulled away from Cameron's warm embrace and grabbed onto his hand. He tugged him through the crowd that seemed to be getting larger by the minute and through the entrance doors. "Do you have a car?"


"So who'd you really go to that dance slash dinner with, Nash?" Cameron asks. It's pitch black outside and they're somewhere in a field. They're cuddling close together on the hood of Cameron's car. "My parents who are more or less parents to me at all." Cameron frowns and pulls Nash closer to him. "I'm sorry,"

"Don't be, I'm happy I went. If i didn't then we wouldn't be in this very nice predicament. I wouldn't have met you." They lay together in silence for quite a while. "I hope I never have to write our breakup poem." Cameron spoke without preamble.

Nash looked up at him, feeling all of the stars in his eyes. "Our breakup? We're not even dating." Cameron froze. He waited a few beats before speaking again. "Did I really just say that out loud?"

Nash chuckled and scooted impossibly closer to Cameron. "Yeah, honey, you did. Also, you're a poet?"

"Kind of? I'm not an official poet but I write some stuff here and there." Cameron said, hardly noticeable cheeks coloring red. He didn't speak about his poetry often, so it surprised him when he continued speaking about it.  "I write about a lot of stuff, it works as sort of an outlet for me. So if we were to date and break up, I have a feeling I'd be working on a breakup poem for a long time."

"Do you have any poems memorized?" Nash asked. He's always loved poetry and wanted to hear some of what Cameron had written.

"I'm starting to believe that maybe,
Just maybe,
There is a God.
Because something had to
Have led me...." Cameron trailed off, stuck staring at Nash. "Led you where?" Their faces moved closer together, inching closer by the second.

"Where did it lead you, Cam?" Nash asked slowly. Cameron felt the breath of his words on his lips, felt the brush of his lips coming closer. Cameron finally closed the gap between them, grabbing the back of Nash's head gently and guiding him in a short, sweet kiss. As they pulled back and rested their foreheads together, Cameron let out a breath and opened his eyes.

"To you."

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