A Way Into Love (Part One)

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A/N: I apologize in advance for so many skips (-), this is based off of a movie so it's basically just scenes.

Nash walked into his first class of the day, Speech and Communication. He looked across the room to see his best friend Jack Johnson and quickly made his way over to him. "Didn't think you were going to show up, Mr. Grier." A deep voice speaks. Nash looks up to see the most beautiful man he's ever seen. Brown hair with honeyed eyes, dulcet pink lips, and tanned skin that looks soft to the touch. He's got a tanish-brown suit with a white button-up shirt beneath it and suspenders over his shirt. Before Nash notices it, the man is standing over him. "What's your excuse for being so extremely late?"

Nash gives the gorgeous man a laid-back crooked smile and leans back in his seat. "Well," Nash glances over his own shoulder and looks back at the other students watching him closely. "Mister Teacher Person, some Five Finger Death Punch came on. You can't just simply walk away from a jam like that." The man pursed his lips and nodded understandingly. "My name is Mr. Dallas." He spoke loudly so that everyone could hear. Mr. Dallas walked up to the front of the classroom and went behind his desk. He put his hands on the desk and leaned on it.

"Since today was the first day, I'm letting you all off with a warning. From now on, when class begins those doors lock and no one who is late is allowed in. Understood?" Kids from around the classroom nodded in agreement. "Now, let's begin, shall we?" Mr. Dallas turns towards the board and a multitude of gasps erupt when they get a good look at his ass. He turns around at the soft noise and has a confused expression. "What?" Nobody says anything. He rolls his eyes and grabs a marker for the smartboard.

"If you do not care about this class, well then neither do I. If you do not care to show up at 8am, with enough hours of sleep to sustain fifty-five minutes three days a week that I have to be here, then you do not care about communication. So get out. Get out now." Eyes drift around the room, but nobody makes a move. Mr. Dallas shrugs, "It was worth a try." A few students amongst the classroom laugh.

He turns towards the board, writes in bold letters, WHAT IS GOOD COMMUNICATION? and underlines the words. He turns towards the students and points to the words with his marker. "In this course I will teach you how to speak to crowds and communicate properly."


"I am Mr. Espinosa, welcome to Economics One." A young man walks through the door and sets his briefcase down. "In this class you'll learn concepts you've never thought possible..." His words get fuzzy as Nash's mind slips out of focus. He begins thinking about his other teacher, Mr. Dallas. The way his lips look, how soft and delicious they seem. The bright brown of his eyes. The way his muscles bulge when he moves his arms.

Nash is knocked from his thoughts when his phone begins vibrating. He looks up to Mr. Espinosa and removes his phone from his back pocket to have his phone be spammed by Nash's best friend. He glances backwards, up towards the back of the room, to see his best friend Jack Johnson on his phone.

Jack begins making subtle hand movements towards Nash. "What are you doing after school?" He mouths. Nash shrugs and asks him back. "Come over to my place?" Nash couldn't understand what he said, so he motioned to himself, then to Jack, unaware that his phone was in his hand and being waved around. Jack smiled and nodded. "...Requires full concentration." Mr. Espinosa's voice comes back into focus and Nash turns towards him as his voice seemed to get louder and closer. He stands in front of Nash with his hand held out. "Your device, please." Nash hands it to Mr. Espinosa. "You know, they call these things smart phones." He speaks loudly as he walks back towards the front of the classroom. "But only dummies use them in my class."

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