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You came back in town day. I almost had a heart attack when I saw you, considering you were my first love and I hadn't seen you in two years. You showed up at my parents house and demanded them to tell you where I was. They give you my address and you drove to my house fast you could.

When you showed up, my brother was on the couch and I was in the middle of a make out session with what was my current boyfriend. You banged on the door, and when I opened it, I swear I almost had a heart attack. All of those months of thinking I was finally over you, all of the missing you, it all came rushing back to me and hit me like a fucking train. My heart was pounding, my breathing picked up, and my eyes started watering.

My boyfriend got up and instantly asked you who you were and why I was crying. You told him that you were and are the love of my life and even though you broke up with me I would always love you more. My boyfriend looked back at me with a mixture of sadness and fear in his eyes. You walked in and asked if he was my boyfriend. When I said yes, you stormed off.

I quickly told my boyfriend that I wasn't going to let it get to me, but that I had a headache. Then I ran to my bedroom and began bawling my eyes out. I don't know exactly what was being said, but I heard shouting coming from downstairs. Eventually the yelling died down and he found his way into my room. He crouched down beside my bed and started begging me not to shut him out.

I shook my head but didn't reply as the tears continually fell. "Why are you still letting him get to you?" He begged me to answer him but after an hour he decided that he wasn't going to bug me anymore. He walked home in the rain because he wouldn't allow me to drive while crying.

The next morning he came to my house with messy hair, tear stained cheeks, and bloodshot eyes. I was confused as to why he was the one crying when virtually nothing had happened to him. I shrugged it off and invited him in. He told me to tell him everything I told him that I couldn't.

Later in the day you called me. Twenty seven times. Then, you send at least fifty text messages. And when I ignored those you showed up at my house. Again. I let you in and we both started crying. You gave me some bull shit excuse as to why you left, but for some stupid reason, I believed you.

When you left, my boyfriend came back. He asked me why I had been crying but I told him it's because I hurt myself. He didn't believe me so he egged me on about it about telling him the real reason. I told him that you came back. He said, "baby . . . I-I need to know that i'm not going to lose you. I need you to promise me that he's not going to steal you away from me." He was stuttering as he said it, trying to hold back his tears. All I said was, "I," I had a long pause. "I can't make that promise."

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