Don't Leave Me

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"I'll see you soon baby." Cameron said giving off a weak smile. Nash was going off to a college in England, but Cameron wasn't going along with him. Cameron had a tour to attend to. Nash looked down. "Cameron, I've been putting this off for quite a while now but," there was a long, angsty pause.

"Don't." Cameron whispered, his eyes beginning to fill with tears. he knew what was coming and he didn't want to hear it. "Stop right there." his voice was trembling, as he was trying to refrain from crying. "Cameron, I just think it would be best for us. For you." He said softly, his eyes not able to meet Cameron's. "You cannot do this to me, Nash. Not now. Not ever. We can make this work, please." He insisted. Cameron grabbed his soft feeling hand in his, gripping it tightly.

"I won't see you, Cameron. I want you to go find another person and be happy with them." He started tearing up. "I don't want you to wait for me." Nash confessed, removing his hand from Cameron's. "But," Cameron started. "But I don't want to live knowing you're no longer mine." Cameron said softly.

Nash shook his head. "Cameron, once I get on that plane, I'm nobody's. I'm on my own, and so are you." Cameron gave him a confused look. "What do you mean?"

"I mean, that you're on that tour living your own life. You're traveling around America, soon to be international. You're meeting thousands upon thousands of boys and girls who would kill to have the one and only Cameron Dallas' heart." Tears began to race down Nash's soft, beautiful rosy cheeks.

Cameron put his hand on Nash's cheek and wiped away the tears. "I-I," Cameron was choking up. "I don't want anyone else," He stopped for a moment, attempting to regain composure. "I only want you, my heart only belongs to you. I love you, Nash. Please don't do this." Nash put his hand on Cameron's. Cameron knew his begging and pleading for nash to stay was useless but what was he supposed to do? The love of his life was leaving him. "Maybe we'll meet again sometime in the future, when the timing is right." Nash placed his forehead against Cameron's and looked up at him with those big oceanic eyes. He slowly took Cameron's hand off of his cheek and moved closer.

Cameron could feel Nash's breath on his lips. He moved closer so that their lips were just hardly touching.


Nash sighed and stood up, turning away from Cameron so he didn't have to look at him when he said goodbye. "I'm sorry, Cam. I love you." He began walking towards the boarding place. Cameron sat there for a moment before rushing after him. He grabbed his hand and swung Nash around before giving him one last passionate kiss that left them both breathless.

Nash's flight was called one last time and he rushed towards the area where they board the plane.

Go after him. Go after him, you idiot! Cameron's brain chanted. So, that's exactly what Cameron did. He ran towards the gate yelling Nash's name. "Hey man, where's your ticket?" Some guards demanded. "Nash! Nash, wait!" Nash turned towards Cameron and shook his head. "Go home Cameron."

The security showed up and dragged Cameron out of the gate, throwing him on the ground. Cameron was sobbing loudly, attracting the unwanted attention of paparazzi. He curled up into a ball in the middle of the airport continuously crying out Nash's named. he knew he was most likely making a huge fool out of himself, but who cares?

He's gone.

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