Careless Whisper

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Nash puts out his cigarette and opens the door to the kitchen. "How ya doin' in here, Cam? Need any help?" Nash asks, they're in the middle of working a wedding and Cameron is doing the dishes at the moment. He wipes his hand on a towel and turns the music down. "Sorry?"

"I asked if you needed any help?" Cameron shakes his head. He's been quiet ever since their break up and Nash misses him. "Alright, well I'm gonna go pick some more dishes up. Holler if you need anything."

Nash pushes through the big door leading into the Grand Room. He stops short when nobody is left in the room. He confusedly looks around the area, not even the DJ is in here. He pushes the swinging door back open and peaks his head in.

"Cam?" Nash says. He stops what he's doing and looks up at Nash. "Um, where did everyone go?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, where did everyone go? There's nobody here, not even the DJ is in there." Cameron furrows his eyebrows. He pulls his hands out of the soapy water and dries them, following after Nash. There's nobody there but music is still blaring. "That's really weird. Maybe you should go look for them or something."

Nash nods and Cameron heads back into the kitchen. Nash walks through the Grand Room and to the corridor. He walks to the left and looks around in the bar where only the bartender is staring at the TV. "Niki? Where is everyone?" Niki perks up and the mention of her name. "I don't know, I haven't seen anyone in like half an hour."

"What the hell." Nash frowns. How could their 150 guests all just disappear like that? "Alright, well I guess I'll just go scope out the cabins and lodge to see if I can find anyone. Have me a drink done when I get back." Niki laughs, "Cranberry vodka?" Nash grins and nods before setting off on an adventure to find the missing persons.

He opens the entrance door to the Event Center and stops for a moment to appreciate the slightly chilly breeze blowing. He opens his eyes and looks at the packed parking lot. Okay, so no one has left yet. He jogs down the front steps and walks along the twisty sidewalk leading up the the lodge. He can see a few scattered people, but not a whole wedding party. He opens the door and still, there is nobody.

He frowns even further before shutting the door and making his way towards the rented cabins. He looks around the lawn in fron of the cabins, but still nobody is around. He's so confused at this point, he has no idea what to think. Could they be dead? Nash laughs at himself. They're not dead.

He heads back into the Event Center and walks into the bar. "I have not even a damn clue where they could be. That's just so weird that everyone would just disappear like that. I left to take a break and everyone was there, and then I come back 10 minutes later and everyone is gone." Nash explains to Niki, who's currently in the middle of making him a drink. He chugs the drink and then immediately drinks two glasses of water afterwards, don't want to be drunk on the job.

Nash wanders back through the deserted building and his eyes light up when he hears his favorite song come on. Seether's cover of Careless Whisper. Excitement rushes through his veins and he follows his first instinct: to go seek out Cameron and dance with him.

Nash comes bursting through the door of the kitchen so suddenly that Cameron nearly jumps out of his skin. He literally drops the plate he was cleaning at the time and it shatters. he holds his chest and breathes for a second. "Jesus Christ, Nash." He lets go of his chest and walks to the back of the kitchen to grab a broom and dustpan.

"Cam, come dance with me." Nash's eyes are bright with hope, and Cameron feels bad for turning him down. "I'm busy, Nash." Nash's face falls slightly. Cameron wants to but it would be with his ex whom he still loves, and that would be torture for him. "Please. It's my favorite song." Cameron sighs. Maybe he'll go for just this one song.

Nash smiles because he knows that's Cameron surrendering himself. He walks over to Cameron with the widest smile he can manage without his face breaking into pieces. He takes Cameron's hand and leads him through the rows of deserted tables and to the dance floor.

He places his arms around Cameron's shoulders and Cameron's arms go around his waist. He lays his head softly on Cameron's shoulder and breathes him in. "I've missed this," Cameron hums in response and they quietly move to the music.

I'm never gonna dance again, 'cause guilty feet have got no rhythm. Though it's easy to pretend, I know you're not a fool. I should've known better than to cheat a friend and waste the chance that I've been given. So I'm never gonna dance again, the way I danced with you.

Tonight the music seems so loud. I'm wishing we could lose this crowd. Maybe it's better this way, we'd hurt each other with the things we wanna say. We could've been so good together. We could've lived this life forever. Now who's gonna dance with me?

Cameron twists Nash and throws him into a dip, singing the last lyrics of the bridge. "Please stay."

Nash smiles a watery smile and nods. Cameron pulls Nash up into a tight embrace and they continue swaying to the beat until the end of the song. As the song ends, they pull back slightly from each other, before leaning in once again and kissing softly.

The two were so wrapped up in each other that the only reason they noticed anyone was watching them was because they started cheering. Cameron and Nash pull away from each other fully now and turn towards the crowd of the wedding party. Everyone is clapping happily and even the photographers are smiling with their cameras over their faces.

A/N: hi loves!!! I'm not sure if this one-shot means I'm back for good, temporarily, or if this was just a very impulsive writing decision (because I haven't written anything in nearly three months and I've been dying) but I hope you enjoy anyway!

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