Everybody Talks

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It's everywhere. Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, in articles for magazines. Everyone is talking about it. About me, about him. About her. They're the new talk of the town.

He's not at home with me like I wish he was. Instead, he's probably out again with her.

I hear the noise of the front door being unlocked and I immediately perk up. As soon as the door opens, the sound of warm laughter flows throughout the house, causing a confused expression to settle into my facial features. I push off of the ground and stand up. I open my bedroom door before making my way over to the railing and peeking my head over. I freeze. She's here.

He leads her over to the couch and makes sure she's comfortable before walking back into the kitchen to grab something. I sit down and watch how he casually looks over his shoulder and they lock eyes for what seems like forever. He's got this flirtatious smile gracing his face that I bet makes her nerves go wild. He turns back around and grabs a pot and a pan, along with a few ingredients.

He fills a pot with water and sets it on the stove. He turns around so that he's facing her, she gets up and makes her way towards him. She lifts herself up so that she's sitting on the island facing him. They're talking quietly and despite how quiet it is in here, they're voices are still muffled. He walks up closer to her and puts his hands just outside of her legs. He leans closer so that his mouth is right next to ear and whispers something that makes her giggle.

He pushes away from her and turns around to put spaghetti into the boiling water. He then grabs chicken and puts it into a pan, along with oil and some other ingredients. He stirs everything and gets a few more things out. He turns back around and says something that makes her nod. He turns towards the stairs and begins walking towards them. I hurriedly get up and run towards my room, I shut my door as quiet as possible and jump under the covers in my bed. I pull the covers up over my head in case he comes in here.

I hear my door open and who I'm assuming is he, walks further into my room. He trips over something and falls to the ground, letting out a loud groan. I fight to hold in the laughter threatening to burst. I hear light footsteps leading into my room and I roll my eyes. "Are you okay?" Her voice is soft like a feather and it angers me. "Yeah, I'm alright."

"Are you sure he's not here? Or is that just his blanket." He stands up and walks around. "That's just his blanket. He usually has a lot of pillows, so they're just scattered along his bed." I hear him pick something up from my dresser and they walk out, closing the door behind them. Why does he assume that they're just blankets? Maybe he knows it's me and he's just rubbing it in my face that he's no longer mine.

I quietly get up and open my door again. I peek my head out and take my previous spot near the stairs and in front of the railing. By the time I'm watching them again, they're setting down the food on the coffee table in front of our couch. He gets up and connects the computer to the TV with a USB before sitting down next to her. He turns to her and asks her a question which results in her nodding. By the TV I can see that he clicks on Netflix. He asks her another question which she replies with a shrug. He gives her an adorable little pout. I pout back at him even thought he can't see me.

He stands up and turns out all of the lights and closes all of the blinds so that's it's practically pitch black in the house, excluding the light from the TV and laptop. He sits back down, closer to her than before and wraps and arm around her shoulder. My eyes get watery. I see the movie start to play and I wipe my eyes before I rest my chin on my hand. I keep my eyes on the two as they seem to get closer and closer with every creeping second.

I look at the TV and see the movie Stuck in Love playing. Of fucking course. After about twenty minutes, my ass starts hurting so I get up and quietly make my way down the stairs. Wait, slower. Walk slower damnit! They'll hear you! I walk slower until I'm at a crawl. I slowly make my way to his room and quietly open the door to his room. I walk over to bed and grab one of his pillows. I bring it up to my face and sniff it; his intoxicating scent fills my nostrils and I feel at peace. For a short moment.

My eyes pop open and I hurriedly - yet quietly - walk out of his room and shut the door behind me. I walk up the stairs and set the pillow down and sit on it. I look down at them and see them both looking at each other. I put my hand over my mouth and start shaking my head, whispering no, no, no!

They're lips connect and a sudden loud sob falls from my mouth. They both jump back with wide eyes and he looks up towards me. I'm still sitting here with tears running down my face. He gets up and comes closer to the stairs, squinting his eyes. Once he recognizes me, his mouth falls open and a panicked face takes over. "Cameron," He breathes out. "D-Did you see that whole thing?" I nod and stand up. I angrily throw his pillow at him and stomp to my room. I take out a suitcase and start angrily throwing stuff into it.


"Don't fucking baby me! You just cheated on me! You fucking brought her over to our apartment on a date and kissed her on our couch!"

"It meant nothing I pro-" I cut him off. "Don't you dare finish that word, Nash. I'm done. We're over and I'm moving out. Maybe Taylor will move in with you instead."

"No. No, no, no, no!" He begins to grabs my clothes out of my suitcase and puts them back in my dresser. "Stop!" I wail. "Stop! Just let me fucking leave!"

"No Cam. Don't leave me please. You're the love of my-"

"If I was the love of your life you wouldn't need her! You wouldn't have cheated!" Nash stands there and stares at me with defeat taking over his body. I continue crying and throwing things in my suitcases. I zip my suitcase up and grab my keys. I drag my suitcase down the stairs and make my way to the front door. "Baby ple-" I put my hand up to silence him. I take the apartment key off of my key ring and set in down on the island. "I'll send someone for my stuff."

"Can I at least have one more kiss?" Nash asks weakly. I turn around to see he has tears running down his face. My heart clenches at the sight but I stand my ground. He hurt me. He fucking cheated on me. I move closer to him to give him one last kiss but I'm stopped when I see Taylor standing there with disappointment written on her face. My eyes flicker from hers to Nash's and I take a step back.

"No." I shake my head and wipe the tears that won't stop falling. I grab my suitcase handle and keys and open the door to the apartment. I take one last look around at the place, one last glance at Nash and leave them both. For good.

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