No Pressure

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"Nash. Nash? Hello, anyone in there?" I tap on his head with my knuckles like I'm knocking on a door. "Nash." I say for what seems like the thousandth time. His eyes are on mine but he's looking right through me. His body is here but his mind is a million miles away. I stand up and walk over to him. "Nash." I say once again. "Okay, I'm going to slap you." I put my hand up and hit the back of his head.

"Ow, Cam. What the fuck?" His eyes have a wild look in them. I stand up and sit in my previous spot across the table from him. "I should be the one saying what the fuck. What is up with you, man? You're always drifting off in the middle of a conversation and it's a hell of a time getting you to come back. Is something bothering you?" Nash opens his mouth but just stares at me. "You can talk to me, Nash." His closes his mouth and let's out a dramatic sigh. "I'm sorry, I've just been really tired. I haven't been sleeping for shit lately." His eyes drift down to the table.

"Don't be sorry. You just need to talk to me. I'm here for you, bro. You know that." Nash nods. "I know, man."

"So did you hear any of what I said?" Nash gives me a weary look and moves his hand back and forth as if he's balancing it. "What's the last thing you heard then?"

"I heard that you had a fight with your mother and then went to the mall." I roll my eyes and let out a huff. "You heard literally nothing, then."

"Okay so after I got to the mall I walked right to the food court because I was really damn hungry and I sat down to eat. So while I'm eating, a person calls my name. So I'm looking around trying to find them, then boom. Chris Miles, you know him? Yeah. He pops up out of no where with three girls on each side of him. He walks up to me and introduces me to all of them, and this one girl catches my attention. A beautiful, dark skinned woman with huge lips." I stop and focus my eyes on Nash to see him staring at something on my face while playing with his bottom lip. "You still with me, bro?" Nash's eyes meet mine before going back down to the spot on my face. "Yeah, continue." Nash mumbles.

"Okay so I take her hand in mine and kiss her knuckles before asking what her name is. "Natasha," she says

"Natasha," she says. "Beautiful. Beautiful name to go with a beautiful girl." I say sweetly. She smiles. "Would you like to accompany me?" I ask, showing her my table. "Sure,"

I pull out a chair for her and push her in when she sits down. "So, Natasha. How old are you?" I question. She licks her lips slowly before opening her mouth to speak. "Twenty-three. And you?" Her voice is smooth and clear. I want to hear it all the time. "Twenty-one."

"So we keep speaking and this girl is amazing. She's smart, funny, sarcastic as hell, she knows what she wants out of life. She's perfect, man. After we were through speaking and the mall was fixing to close, I drive her home and we're standing on her doorstep..."

"I had fun getting to know you. I'm glad you said yes."

"I had a lot of fun too, Cameron." My eyes flicker down to her lips and I want to kiss her. I want to taste her lips so bad; I want to bite and suck and tug on them so, so bad. I take a step towards her and my hands slowly go to her waist. She jumps from my bold movements and places her hands on my chest. She moves her head in closer to mine, and I lean into her. Our lips are about to touch when she whispers, "have a nice night, Cameron." She removes herself from my grip and opens her door before shutting it, leaving me wanting much, much more.

"I got her number, though. So I think I'm going to call her tomorrow and ask her on a date." When I come back from telling my story for the second time, it's dark out. I look at Nash to see him in the same position as the last time I looked at him. "That was quite the story." He tells me, still staring at my face. It's only now do I realize, he's staring at my lips.

Suddenly I start feeling very awkward and I look away. "Hey, Cam?" I look at him and this time he's looking me in the eye. "Hmm?"

"You trust me right?" I nod slowly. "Of course, Nash. I trust you with my life."

"Nothing that I do could ever make you question our friendship?" He asks slowly. I furrow my eyebrows. "I mean, unless you killed someone." I laugh half-heartedly. He does, too.

"I'm serious though, Cam. Nothing would ever make you question our friendship, right?"

"No, Nash."

"Okay, good." He sounds relieved. "Okay. Tell me what the fuck has you questioning my faithfulness and trust in our friendship." I demand.

He stands up and walks over to me. He grabs my arm and stands me up in front of him. He squints through the dark and holds up a finger. He walks off somewhere and suddenly a light comes on. He walks back over to me and stares at me with furrowed eyebrows. "...this does." He mumbles before taking my face in his hands and placing his lips on mine.

I feel his lips moving over mine and I can't react. I'm frozen. Nash is kissing me. Those words flow through my head at a thousand miles per hour and finally I regain motor activity and push him off of me. I walk back a few feet and wipe my mouth off.

"What the fuck was that-" I'm cut off by being softly pushed against the fence behind me. His lips are on mine again. I push him off immediately this time and walk about ten feet away from him.

"Stop doing that, Nash!" I yell. "You know I'm straight, bro! Why in the fuck would you kiss me?"

Nash stands there, wide-eyed and a scared look caressing his face. "I-I'm sorry. I d-don't know why I did that!" He exclaims.

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