Part 6

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Part 6

            I woke up to some noise in the kitchen. It sounded like happy laugher and chatting.

I checked the time 11:45pm!!! I'd never woken up that late. I brushed my hair and teeth and went into the kitchen.

Nathan was cooking in the kitchen, while Clara was helping him, and Sam, Alex and Alec were happily chatting with each other.

I gasped, in shock. I'd never woken up like this!!!! It was like it was still dreaming.

"Am I still asleep? Someone please pinch me." I said asked.

Alex and Alec came over and pinch one of my arms. Alex pinched my right and Alec pinched my left.

"Ouch!! Thanks sweetie." I said, smiling as everyone laughed.

"No, seriously. How did you guys get in my house, and why did I wake at 12!?!" I said.

"I have a spare key and I came in to see how you were this morning. The house was quiet so I thought I would do some cleaning." Clara explained.

"Then your phone rang, and I rushed to pick it up, so as not to wake you. It was Nathan, he wanted to come over. I told him to come over and he did, we planned to clean the house and making breakfast for you." she continued.

"After a while of cleaning up, the kids woke up. We all made a decision not to wake you up, to let you rest until your mind and body had enough sleep. We called Sam over and then we got to work." Clara finished.

"I came over at 8:00 sharp. Nathan came at about 8:45 and the kids woke up at 9 something then Sam came over at about 10 and then you've been asleep for about 12 hours." Clara told me.

"Wow." was the only thing I managed to say.

"Sit down. We just finished making breakfast and it's time to eat." Nathan said.

"You guys are amazing. You know that?" I asked.

"We know!!" They said, together.

I laughed and sat down. We ate breakfast, talked and laughed a little. The kids were still in their pjs, like me. After we were done eating, Clara and Sam both made and excuses to leave. They left and it was just me, Nathan, Alec and Alex.

"Ok!! I promised you guys it would be our day, so where do you want to go?" I asked.

"Can daddy come?" Alec asked.

"Daddy?" I asked.

Their dad was Xavier but they didn't know that!!! Who else would they call daddy?

They pointed to Nathan, shocking both him and me.

"No, no!! I'm so sorry guys—" I started off, trying to let them down easily.

"Yeah, I'm coming." Nathan cut me off.

"No, guys. He's not—" I tried to say.

Nathan grabbed my hand, under the table, and when I looked at him, he shook his head, discreetly, so the kids wouldn't notice.

"Nathan, you can't—" I tried to protest.

"It's fine. We'll talk about it later." he said, kindly.

I sighed, and Nathan squeezed my hand, in reassurance. The kids looked at us, wondering what was going on.

"Yes, daddy's coming." I said, in defeat, on both things, letting Nathan come and calling him 'daddy'.

"YAY!!!!!!!" they cheered so loudly.

I sighed again. How is this going to work out?!

"Ok, where do you want to go?" I asked.

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