Part 11

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Part 11

I had made my decision I knew it wasn’t a good one or even the right one, but when something involved my kids, I never thought right, I always thought about them and their safety.

Time flew by until it was 11:30pm. I slipped my hand from under Nathan's cheek, careful not to disturb him. I grabbed Nathan's keys that were on Kate's side table and snuck out of the room.

I made it to his car and raced to the abandon chocolate factory.

Whenever me and Xavier had to meet up, we would always meet up at the abandon chocolate factory, it was our secret place. Xavier had made it look just a home, with furniture and stuff like that. I hadn't been there since Xavier and I were together.

I took a deep breath, pushing all the memories out of my mind and walked inside.

It was dark and cold. I couldn't see a thing!! I couldn't hear a thing! I could still smell the chocolate that the factory always had it was milk chocolate. It always smelled a little bit like that, even though this factory was about 10 years old now.

Suddenly, the lights came on. They were so bright, I was momentarily blinded. I adjusted to the light first and then saw him, them.

Xavier was standing there, staring at me. He was smiling, a sinister smile, one that reeked of evil. Sitting in a chair next to him, all tied up, were Alex and Alec. They were unconscious, so they didn't see me.

"Ah! You came!" were the first words out of his mouth.

I said nothing. What could I say? Yes, now give me back my kids?

He stalked closer to me, I back up, and it went on like that until I was stuck again the wall, with Xavier trapping me. It was just like the alley, where Nathan saved me. Only this time, he wasn't here, he wasn't going to save me.

Xavier had won, he had managed to get me back in the position, without Nathan. He was going to rape me for a third.

"Now, where were, when I was rudely interrupted by that man-whore?" Xavier said.

I wasn't going to take that!!! He could call me whatever and I wouldn't car but Nathan was 100, no 1000 times better then Xavier could ever hope to be!!

"Nathan is way better than you." I spat out.

This reaction surprised Xavier. He used it though.

"Oh? You've developed a thing for him, haven’t you?" he asked.

I didn't answer. Xavier, knowing he was right, laughed, amused at something.

"No, you see, you are mine now. Once I have marked you, you can never leave my grasp, and there is nothing that your precious little 'Nathan' can do about it." Xavier replied, highly.

"You may have raped me, but I am not yours. I never was, never have been and certainly never will be." I said, letting the venom ooze out of my voice.

Xavier growled at that, annoyed and irritated.

"What's gotten into you? You were never so resistant before." was his only reply.

Nathan had taught me how to love and trust again. He had given me the one thing I'd been totally deprived of at since I was little. Love.

I hadn't had love for the longest time. My parents didn't ever show me they loved me, they didn't even say it and it was only proven they didn't ever love me, when they disowned and kicked me out.

Xavier snapped me out me out of my thoughts, when his lips connected with my lips!! I struggled to get out of his grip. He only pressed harder. I kicked him where it really hurts and he grunted and fell down.

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