Part 10

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Part 10

We exchanged a glance and ran upstairs. We checked the game room, they weren't there. We checked all the rooms in the house and they weren't there. I started to get worried. Nathan called Kate and David (they both had cell phones). Neither of them picked up.

"Nathan, where are they?" I asked, feeling the panic seep through my voice.

"It's ok, Alice. Let's go to your home, they might be there." he suggested.

I didn't think so, but we still got in the car. We arrived to my house. I opened the house door, and gasped.

The house was a mess!!! Everything was shredded, torn, or broken!! Someone broke in! I walked through the house, I went to each room. Nothing was taken, it just seemed like whoever broke in didn't want anything but wanted l leave a message.

Leave a message they did. I went to my room and on my side table drawer was a piece of folded paper. I unfolded it and read the message.

It read:

My dear precious Alice,

You managed to get away from me, this time. So as your punishment for cheating and being unfaithful, I took those little brats you call kids!! As for the two little kids that were with them, I left them, in the alley that we last met. You better go get them, or they might die.

I love you,


Nathan took the note from my hands, as I wept silently. He read it over, and tore the paper into little tiny pieces.

"Let's go! My little sister and brother are on the brink of death!!" Nathan says, grabbing my hand.

We race to the alley where we last met. Kate and David were tied up, blood was dripping from several places on their bodies and they were blindfolded, gagged and tied up. We removed the blindfold and gag.

"We're sorry, Alice…He was too strong…I tried to keep him away." she whispered.

"It's ok, you did your best. Thanks." I said, getting my phone out.

I called 911 and told they arrived in minutes. They transported Kate and David to the hospital on stretchers.

We sat in the waiting room, at about 6:30pm now, to hear how bad they were mangled up.

"Alice, I found this note, when they were taking Kate and David to the hospital." Nathan said.

It was another note from Xavier.

It read:

My beautiful Alice,

I see you found the little kids. Now, if you ever want to see those little brats you call kids, come to the old abandon chocolate factory. The one we use to hang out in, all the time. Be there by midnight. Come alone, or you'll never see them again.

The only one for you,


How sick can he get?!? You've got to be kidding me!!! This is way more than I can handle.

I showed Nathan the note, his eyes popped as he read. He was just about to talk when the doctor came in. We stood up, ready for the news.

"They're going to be ok. Nothing major, just some bleeding. We've given them a little transfusion and they should wake up in about an hour." the doctor informed.

I breathed a sigh of relief, glad that at least Nathan's family wasn't harmed. They won't even get any scars.

We walked into their room, they shared a hospital room and they we unconscious.

"You're not going alone." he said, addressing the note.

"I have to! If I don't he'll hurt Alex and Alec." I denied.

Just the thought of my little baby's hurt, brought tears to my eyes, though they didn't fall.

"Well, we could tell the police?" he suggested.

"They can't do much. Even if they do manage to find them, they'll separate us." I answered.

He was out of ideas. We waited until they woke up. At like 8 o' clock.

Kate woke up first. With a gasp, she shot out of bed.

"Where are Alec and Alex? What happened to them?" she asked, frantic.

Nathan calmed her down and pushed her back to lay on the bed.

David shot up, just like Kate only he was far worse.

"Where'd they go? What happened? Who was that guy? Where are we? How'd we get here?" he said, trying to get off the bed.

Nathan got him back down and we explained what happened to them. From when we found them to now (we left out the notes and put something else in their place). They both apologized profusely, while I kept reassuring them it was ok. It went on for some time, and I’m surprised that they’re not tired. We got to stay with them all night.

They fell asleep, feeling tired. Blood lose made them sleepy. Nathan tried to stay up with me, but I could tell he was tired.

"Nathan, go to sleep. I'll be fine." I gently told him.

"Are you sure?" he asked worried.

I placed my palm to his cheek, as he leaned into my hand, and nodded. Soon after, Nathan was out like a light. That was at around 10. Nathan had fallen asleep with my hand still on his cheek. 

Is it going fast again? Maybe too slow? Guys!! I need feedback!!! 

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