Part 16

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Part 16

I woke up to an empty bed. Nathan was gone. I crawled out of bed, and heard some noises coming from the door, so I crept towards it to hear Nathan and Jacob, arguing. I pressed my ear to the door to hear what they were saying.

“…have to stay with Alice!! I can’t leave her!” Nathan yelled.

“I’m sorry, son. The corporate world wants to see if you’re capable enough to take over the company. You don’t have a good reputation with them right now, so they’re skeptical, but after the meeting you can straight home.” Jacob reasoned.

“Why can’t she come with me??” Nathan asked, I assumed, referring to me.

“I just don’t want to expose her to the harsh corporate world, but when it’s time, I will certainly allow her to be by your side at times like this. For right now though, you’ve got to this on your own.” Jacob said, with a tone of finality in his voice.

I heard footsteps, meaning Jacob had left. Nathan sighed and I imagined him running his hands through his hair.

“What do I do now?” Nathan asked no one in particular.

“You tell her.” Kate’s voice came from somewhere.

I suppose she has surprised Nathan as well as me, because I heard him intake a sharp breath.

“I promised her, just yesterday, that I wouldn’t leave her. Now I have to go! I’m wondering how she’ll take it.” Nathan said, worried.

He was just worried about my reaction, nothing else. How sweet, I thought. I know he had promised, but I could let him leave if it was important, as long as he’d return.

“Just tell her. You’ll be surprised what she does. Alex is level headed, and if you explain it to her then she’ll understand.” Kate suggested.

“Your right, Kate, thanks. What would I do without you?” Nathan said, relaxing.

“I’m sure you’d be fine, because you’ve got Alex.” Kate teased.

I smiled at that one. I might be there for him, but Kate knew him more than I did, she’d know things that I don’t or probably won’t have the pleasure of learning.

“Go, tell her.” Kate ordered.

I quickly shuffled back into bed, and pretended to be asleep, before Nathan entered the room. I tried to slow my heart rate and breathing, successfully. Nathan entered and closed the door, silently walking towards me. He stroked my cheek.

“Alex, wake up.” He whispered in my ear.

I shivered, letting Nathan know I was awake. He buried his face into my neck, smiling. I tried to ignore the tingles he was giving me, but failed.

“Mmmm, good morning.” I whispered.

“I need to tell you something, Alex.” Nathan said.

I sat up, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes.

“I know I told you last night that I wouldn’t leave you, but something’s come up.” He confessed.

“What’s come up?” I asked, though I kind of already knew what it was.

“I have to go to New York, for a meeting with some corporate company’s. They have to assess me and see if I’m good enough to lead the company.” Nathan said.

“Why can’t I come with you?” I asked.

“Dad said that you shouldn’t be pushed into the harsh corporate world just yet. I kind of agree with that, but I don’t want to leave you either.” Nathan said, sadly.

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