Part 22

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This one is a bit shorter than before, but it was originally 1 page, so be glad I made it a bit longer for you guys. 


At night, he was still in a lot of pain, for some reason, so I started healing him. Soon, though he became sleepy. After h fell asleep, I was left alone with my thoughts. I didn’t want to think, not today. So I started running my hands through Nathan’s hair, trying to calm myself down, to not think about the scary thoughts. Eventually though, I started getting sleepy, and fell asleep myself.

I rested my head against his chest, and fell asleep. Before I was completely asleep however, I felt lips in my hair, and a voice.

“I love you.”

Part 22

Alice’s POV

After a couple of days at the hospital, I had to go home, to check on the kids and get changed into some new clothes, maybe take a shower and such, probably spend the night. I knew I had to leave Nathan eventually but it was becoming quite hard to do so.

When I got home, I was attacked by Alex and Alec, because they knew I was coming home today.

“Mommy!!” They yelled, running into my open arms.

I was tackled to the ground by my two kids that I loved so very much.

“Alex, Alec!” Came the voices of some maids and butlers, along with Kate and Carla.

They all entered at once and when they saw the kids all over me, they visibly relaxed. I could tell by the way everyone looked, tired and messy that Alex and Alec had been a handful.

I sent them up to take a shower and change, because they were dirty, as I talked to the staff, Kate and Carla.

“I’m sorry they were so much trouble. You guys should have called and told me how they were being resistant. I would have straightened them out.” I told them.

“We figured Nathan needed you more.” Carla said.

They all looked distressed and tense. I shook my head, told them to relax, rest a bit and went upstairs to straighten the kids.

“You guys relax and chill, ok? Calm down and go do something for yourselves for once. I’ll take care of the kids.” I told them.

They all sighed in relief as they left to go do whatever they do. The kids were already picking their clothes in their room.

“We need to talk.” I said, sternly.

The kids looked guilty, knowing what I was going to talk about.

“Nathan’s family is being really nice to let us stay here and take care of us and you guys are only making it harder for them. That’s not very nice.” I scolded.

They looked really guilty now, which was my plan in the first place. Make them guilty, and then make them apologize.

“We just want mommy and daddy to come home.” Alec whispers.

That’s what was bugging them, because normally, they weren’t bad children, they were good and sweet children. I knew there was something that was bugging them, or they wouldn’t behave like this.

“Oh, honey. Nathan and I are going to be home soon, so don’t be like that. We’re coming home in a little while, and I’ll be home sometimes too. I just had to make sure Nathan was ok before I came home.” I told them, reaching out to them.

They started crying and apologizing and I just hugged them, reassuring them. I sighed. I knew that Xavier wouldn’t cause just one problem, but millions. He loved to mess with us, for some reason.

The kids went downstairs to apologize to everyone and they promised to behave. I smiled at them, and everyone soon forgave and forgot. I made them take showers and then took a shower myself. I ate dinner with everyone because I really missed them all. I went to bed, hoping for a nice, peaceful sleep.  

My nice, peaceful sleep never came, because as soon as the rest of the house got quiet, I started experiencing chest pains. It was horrible and they hurt like crazy. I touched my chest but there was nothing there. I realized that the pain I was feeling wasn’t my own. It was indeed, Nathan's. As I realized this, I rushed downstairs and grabbed Nathan's car keys. I drove all the way to Nathan's hospital and then went straight to his room.

Sure enough, Nathan was lying on the hospital bed, withering in agony and pain. I shook my head as I ran over to him.

“Nathan. Nathan.” I tried to wake him up.

Nathan’s POV

I instantly started missing Alice as she left the door. I knew though, that she had to take care of the kids, so I didn’t protest or anything. The rest of the day was pretty boring. I took a nap, and ate some lunch, which I could now do myself, thanks to Alice, took another nap.

As I was sleeping, I started to feel some chest pains. I tried to ignore it, but it was too hard to ignore. After realizing it wasn’t going to go away by ignoring it, I asked a nurse for some pain pills. Even with the pain pills, the pain didn’t go away. I was withering in agony for a long time.

“Nathan. Nathan.” I heard someone say.

As I opened my eyes, I saw Alice, hovering over me. She looked concerned and distressed. I couldn’t believe she was here.

“Where does it hurt?” she asked.

I shook my head. I didn’t want her to help me. She had to go back home to Alex and Alec. I brushed her way, trying to tell her to go home, but I couldn’t talk.

“Tell me where it hurts.” She demanded, sternly.

I shook my head, stubborn.

“Nathan, tell me!” She yelled, angry.

I pointed to my chest and she brushed her fingertips above my heart. Instantly, I felt relief. As Alice worked her magic, I could see her tears as they fell. It might have been dark, but there was a little light by the nightstand and my vision was more enhanced than most humans so it made it easier to see her.

I wiped away her tears but she pushed my hand away from her. I pulled her closer to me, but she pulled away, crying harder. I felt really bad now.

“Don’t ignore you’re pain, because it’ll just end up hurting you more. I know from experience. Let me help, if I can. You always save me, I want to save you.” Alice told me.

I nodded and pulled her close, this time she didn’t protest at all. She laid her head on my chest, and hugged me close.

“I’m sorry.” I whispered to her.

She buried her face into my chest, not saying anything. I assumed she was still a bit upset.

She sat up, pulling away from me. I wanted to ask her what was wrong, but she started running her hands through my hair, trying to get me to fall asleep again. It felt amazing. The last time anyone did that to me was my mom in like kindergarten. I missed that feeling, but this feeling was different from that one. This one felt stronger than the other one, it felt more powerful. My eyelids felt heavier and before I knew it I was asleep.

Alice’s POV

            Sometimes I have no idea what he’s thinking. It infuriates me because it seems as if he feels the need to hide his pain, while trying to help me with mine. Why can’t we both help each other?

I kept running my hands through his hair, enjoying the feel of it against my fingertips, as I leaned my head against his chest, feeling the rise and fall of it. My eyes started to close of their own accord. 

Alright, I was 10 comments and votes, or I'm not uploading :P I'm upset at the amounts of votes and comments, especially on Our Life, Our Secrets, Our Story because you guys all wanted a sequel. 

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