Part 31

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Got the next chapter ready guys! I need at least 5 comments and votes so i can upload! You can do it!

Part 31

Alice’s POV

            After about a month of rehab, bad food, healing and staying in a hospital bed, the doctors were assured that we were healed and that we could leave. Today was the day we could leave. Apparently we still had to leave in wheelchairs. Nathan and I were both disappointed about this. As soon as we got out of the car into our house, we were surprised by all the maids, butlers, Sam, Clara, and even Caitlin. I was so shocked. Katie, David, Alex, Alex, Carla and Jacob had come to get us from the hospital.

“Whoa, what are you guys doing here?!” I exclaimed surprised.

Caitlin ran over to me. After squeezing me to death, she pulled away and smacked me the back of the head.

“What was that for?!” I asked.

“For not telling your best friend, someone who worries for you almost every second of the day when you’re not with her, where you were for about like ever!!!!” Catt yelled.

            I realized I hadn’t been going to school either. I’m sure she was worried sick, being who she was, my best friend. I wondered if maybe I should have told her where I was. Then again, I never planned for any of this to happen.

I rubbed the back on my neck, smiling at little.

“Ehehehe, about that…” I began.

She was like a mother, as she put her hands on her hips and waited for my reply. I hadn’t felt like a child being punished in a long time. Heck, I hadn’t felt like a child in forever. Nathan comes up behind me and wraps his arms around my waist, keeping his hands rested on my stomach.

“Sorry about that Catt. I kind of kidnapped her and took her hostage without really giving her a chance to tell anyone. You can blame it all on me.” He replied, covering for me.

It was half truth, half lie, but she didn’t need to know that. I just wondered how much she would buy of that and how much she wouldn’t. It looked like she bought absolutely none of it, but she let it go, for now. I’m sure she’d ask a lot of questions later. I just wasn’t ready to answer right now because I had questions of my own. Catt’s my best friend though, so she somehow knew all of this and let the subject drop.

I smiled at her and hugged her one more time before introducing her to Nathan’s family and everyone else she didn’t know. She pretty much kept to my side, not really leaving me, because she was nervous around new people. For the remainder of the party Nathan, Catt and I sat around, mingled and ate, until it was 10 and time for her to go home.

After Catt left, it wasn’t long before everyone else left, and soon the house was pretty much empty. Nathan and I went upstairs to check on the kids, which we had put to bed at 8, because no party was going to disrupt my kids sleep. We peeked into their room, saw that they were asleep and went to our room. I grabbed my pajamas, shorts and one of Nathan’s t-shirts, and went into the bathroom to change. As I changed, brushed my teeth, brushed my hair and was out, Nathan had only changed into shorts and another one of his t-shirts, as well. He went into the bathroom to do his thing and then crawled into bed with me. I curled up into his chest immediately and he held me. He froze for a second and sniffed me.

“Are you wearing my shirt?” he asked, curiously.

“Oh, sorry didn’t I tell you? Would you like me to change?” I questioned, feeling bad.

“No, no, it’s ok. What’s mine is yours. It was just a surprise, a very nice surprise.” He smiled and kissed my forehead.

We just lay on the bed for a couple seconds, and I thought I had heard his breathing slow out, but I couldn’t sleep. I just lay there in bed, thinking, until I heard Nathan wake up.

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