Part 25

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Recap: “Well Xavier somehow knew that you weren’t here when you left. Well, what if he knows you’re not here tomorrow or some other day, and sees that I’m gone too? Would he try to take your family or something?” she asked, worried.

“Oh, that’s it? Xavier’s target is either you or the kids, he has no concern for anyone or anything else, not even me, and I’m just an obstacle in his way. He won’t even care about my family, because they’ve got nothing to do with this. He doesn’t even know if they know about all of this.” I reassured.

“You make it seem like it’s silly that I even thought of something like that.” Alice pointed out.

“No, no. I’m glad that you’re concerned about my family too, but you should leave that to me. It’s my job, not yours.” I kissed her nose.

“Then what’s my job?” she asked, cutely.

“Your job, is to look cute!” I smiled at her.

She pouted at that, and I just chuckled at her face. I kissed her forehead and nuzzled her nose.

“It’s late and we should go to sleep.” I informed her.

She sighed, and closed her eyes. She was out like a light within seconds. I followed soon after her.

Lol sorry, long recap but it's been a while since I last uploaded, so I thought you guys might need it.

Here it is:

 Part 25

Alice’s POV

Sooner than I would have expected, I had to wake up.

“Alice, come we have a flight to catch.” Nathan shook me awake.

“Ugh, I really don’t want to.” I moaned, as I opened my eyes and got out of bed.

“You can sleep on the plane ride and when we get to the hotel.” Nathan commented.

With that going for me, I got up and changed. I woke the kids up, which was a much harder task, so instead, I let them sleep. I just got them changed out of their pajamas. We got Jack, one of the butlers to drive us to the airport and throughout all this, the kids were half asleep.

When we finally got on the airplane, first class, by the way, the kids woke up, and were hungry. I sighed, as Nathan tried to get one of the attendants attention. I didn’t think it would be that hard to bring the kids.

“Sorry.” I told Nathan after we got them fed and to sleep again.

“No problem. They’re not as bad as I thought they would be.” Nathan commented.

“What did you expect much worse?” I asked.

“No, I meant that they’re ok. They’re not bad at all.” Nathan amended.

“Honestly, it’s their first time, and their young.” I told him.

“Yeah, I know which is why I’m ok with it.” Nathan told me.

“Get some sleep.” Nathan told me.

I closed my eyes and let my tiredness take over.

Nathan's POV

I sighed, as Alice fell asleep. I knew I would be in deep trouble with the corporate heads when I get back because I had left the meeting and openly defied them. I just hoped everything went ok, but even if it didn’t I still had Alice and the kids, which was why I wasn’t too worried.

During the middle of the flight, Alice’s head dropped onto my shoulders as she was soundly asleep. The kids in her arms were wrapped around Alice’s arms. They cuddled against each other, breathing softly. I looked at my family, the only family that actually wasn’t mine by blood but I loved more than anything else.

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