Part 17

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Part 17

It was the second day. Nathan had called yesterday and told me that everything was going great, they would find the solution to their problem very soon and he would be back home in no time. We couldn’t talk much though because there was a lot of work for him to do. I stayed in my room most of the time, with Alex and Alec occasionally visiting.

The kids had held on to their promise to Nathan to keep me happy, but I could only pretend to be happy for so long. I told them I wasn’t feeling very well and that I might be sick, which wasn’t really a lie, I really wasn’t feeling too well. They had left to do something else. I didn’t eat much, and I stayed in Nathan’s room most of the time. Sleep was nonexistent because every time I shut my eyes to rest for a little bit I had a nightmare, like I use to have when Nathan wasn’t with us. They were nightmares of Xavier and I didn’t want my bad memories to resurface.

At night, I went for a walk, the only time of the day no one was awake and worrying about me. They all came to visit me but I didn’t want to see anyone. I just left to go on a walk and ended up lost somewhere. I hadn’t even brought my cell phone or told anyone that I had left for a walk and now I was lost.

A figure started walking towards me and I squinted to see who it was. When the figure finally got close enough it was too late to start running. Xavier Gold, he was alive.

Nathan had told me that he might still be alive but I didn’t believe him and we hadn’t heard anything from him in a while, so I figured he was dead. How wrong was I!!

He instantly took a hold of me. As I started squirming and screaming, he placed a cloth to my nose as I inhaled. The world around me started turning black.

Nathan’s POV

I really missed Alice and the kids. I was worrying about them constantly and wanted to go back as soon as I could. The company problem wasn’t too big, and it wouldn’t take long. The meeting was the only thing standing in my way of Alice and I. All I had to do was go through the meeting without any problems and spend a couple hours with the problem, and then I would be home before anyone even missed me.

The meeting was currently going on. I was paying attention, or trying to, considering that this was boring and I already knew most of the things they were saying. I had learned how to run the company business since I was 10 and these people were just doing their job trying to repeat what I had already learned.

“You’re company is one of the biggest, so you have to be careful of the paparazzi and the press, because if you mess up, even a tiny little screw up, they whole world will know.” The head of the meeting and my dad’s business partner said.

“Yes, sir, I understand. I’ve been through this already, though. You personally already told me this stuff when I was 10 and it’s been lodged in my head ever since.” I told him.

“I know, but this is standard protocol, son. Everyone’s been through this.” Steve, my dad’s business partner, told me.

I sighed and let them continue. After about an hour of this, they started getting to confidential stuff that only the heirs of the company were suppose to know, this was what I really didn’t know. I paid attention to make sure I got this and then, my phone rang. It was my dad, and he knew where I would be at this time, so it must be an emergency.

“It’s my dad.” I told them, and went outside to take the call.

“Dad, I’m in the meeting. You know they don’t take phone calls lightly.” I told him.

“Son, this is an emergency. Alice is gone.” He spoke.

The 3 words sent my world crashing down on me. Alice was gone? How? What happened?

“Wait what?” I asked.

“She was there like usual last night and then the next morning she was gone. She isn’t in the house, and her cell phone is here, plus she didn’t tell anyone where she went.” Dad explained.

Xavier. This had Xavier written all over it. I bet my whole life he took her. I was raging mad now. How dare he take Alice while I couldn’t do anything about this? He probably knew I was being held up or something, that’s why he decided to take her now.

“I’m coming home, now.” I said, with clenched teeth.

“You can’t leave now. Do you know what they’ll do?” Dad said.

I hung up and went back into the office to retrieve my stuff. The meeting heads were shocked at my sudden change in demeanor.

“What is going on?” Steve asked.

“I’ve got to go home.” I said, as I picked up my bags and was just about to reach the door.

“You can’t leave now. This is important.” One of the company presidents said, a girl, named Emily, who didn’t work with my dad.

“Look, I have some family issues at home, so I’m telling you this right now. My family is and always will be the most important thing to me. Whether I get this company or not, my family is first and foremost my top priority. I have to go now.” I told them and left.

I asked my secretary to get me the first flight back home. I quickly gathered my stuff and was on the next flight back home. I was really anxious because I had no clue what he was doing to Alice. I asked my dad to keep me posted and kept calling every hour.

New chapter is up. I thought i uploaded it but apparently not. I wonder why :( Anway here it is. Also if you guys didn't know, I've started a sequel to My Life, My Secrets, My Story called Our Life, Our Secrets, Our Story, go check it out, if you want.


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