Part 36

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<-- go check out the last chapter cuz i know it's been a while! :( sorry about that guys! 

Part 36

“It’s too early to wake up!” Alice whines as I attempt to wake her up.

“It’s 10 A.M. and not that early. Get up!” I shook her.

She groaned one more time before getting up finally. I had been trying to get her up for about five minutes, just because she was being a bit stubborn. The kids were running around the house since they’ve been up since 8 A.M. Mom and Dad had volunteered to watch them while I allowed Alice a couple more hours to sleep. We had things to do, stuff to figure out and I just couldn’t let her sleep any longer, or I’d let her sleep for a couple days, just to get her energy back.

She got up, glared at me and moved to the bathroom, to get ready, perhaps take a shower. I smiled and went to make sure her omelet and toast was still warm. She arrived downstairs faster than I had thought she would.

“Thank you guys for taking care of them. I hope they didn’t wear you out or anything.” She said to my parents.

“Oh this is nothing compared to when Nathan and Kate were little. If you didn’t watch those munchkins they would wreck havoc on anything and everything they saw.” Carla announced.

I heard her giggle as she was probably trying to imagine me and Kate running around wild. You don’t need a wild imagination to come up with what that looked like. I smiled at her as she neared me. I was making breakfast, eggs and pancakes.

“I can’t really imagine this Nathan, right here, being the one that you’re talking about.” She said, putting her hands on my shoulders. The warmth from her fingers and palms seeped through the thin layer of my t-shirt. I kissed her temple, causing her to close her eyes. She moved to eat her breakfast, as my dad replied this time.

“Oh trust me they’re the same Nathan's alright. He still has a little bit of mischief in him.”

I shook my head, telling them to knock it off, causing everyone to laugh. It was nice to see Alice so happy, but I knew it wouldn’t last. I had to figure out how to get back to our home planet.

The party last night was great. The kids cuddled up against Alice all night, while Kate, David and I, along with Mom and Dad surrounded her. She was the center of attention and love, as it should be. No one talked about why she had left. We didn’t want to start another argument, especially when everything was seemingly running smoothly. Why stir up a storm when it’s calm, you know?

I couldn’t help but think back to what the book had said about true form and inner self. Alice was distracted, laughing with her kids, while Dad and Mom talked with her, as I thought. I couldn’t help but try to relate all of the fiction stuff I had heard about aliens. All the books, say that aliens can’t possibly look like humans, because the environment they lived in would have to be different than on Earth. At least that was logical, it made sense that aliens probably wouldn’t look like humans, they needed to adapt differently. I heard about how animals used methods of camouflage to hide from their prey. Well if aliens were living on earth, they would obviously need camouflage, because they would be hunted if people knew of their existence. It’s one of the reasons I didn’t tell anyone outside of my family about what I was, same with Alice.

Camouflage…We needed to camouflage!!! Of course since Alice and I were aliens, our real parents were trying to protect us from something, which is why they sent us to earth! So we would have to blend in to society in order to survive! So this meant that Alice and I didn’t look like this.

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