Part 18

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I'm so sorry I haven't been uploading!!!!!!!!!!!!! I got stuck in my own life and there's a lot that's been going on!!!!!!!!! Please forgive me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Part 18

Alice’s POV

I couldn’t move, and my head hurt like it had been smashed against the wall, repeatedly. I groaned as my eyes open and I was greeted with more darkness. I assessed where I was as my headache went away. I was tied up and gagged, while sitting in a chair, in another abandoned factory of some kind. I groaned again as an aching in my chest, started. The aching wasn’t because something physical was done to it, but because I was missing Nathan more than ever now. I wished he was here.

Nathan always got me out of situations like these. I wish he would be here to save me. I missed him like crazy. It was like I couldn’t stand being away from him. The aching in my chest just wouldn’t go away and I couldn’t do anything about it. The yearning just wouldn’t stop.

“You’ve been a bad, bad girl.” A voice, Xavier’s came from somewhere.

My head snapped in the direction of the voice, it seemed like it was coming only feet away from where I was, but I couldn’t tell because it was so dark.

The lights snapped on and they were so bright I had to close my eyes. I had to force my eyes open to withstand the light, and slowly adjusted to the lights. Xavier was standing only a couple feet away from me, with something behind his back. The fear started to register in my brain as I figured out it was probably a knife, Xavier’s favorite tool to hurt me with when he raped me. I had several scars from that knife he loves so much.

I started to whimper and try to fight the ropes that were keeping my prisoner, even though I knew that it would be no use. Xavier stalked forward and pulled his famous knife from behind him.

“I think you deserve a punishment.” He told me.

He placed the knife he had at my throat. He was literally planning to kill me. I started whimpering but I couldn’t struggle, or it would get lodged into my throat and I wanted to see tomorrow.

“Where’s your boyfriend now?” Xavier mocked.

Where was he? I didn’t know the answer to that question myself. He was probably at his corporate meeting. I knew I couldn’t ask for him to be here because he had no clue where I was. No one even knew I had gone out for a walk. It was too much to expect him to come save me this time. It was a miracle he had saved me the 2 other times.

“I-I don’t know.” I whispered, feeling the knife against my throat as I talked.

“See, I knew it. No one can stop me from getting what I want.” He said, moving the knife, to my arms.

He started cutting, slowly, painfully. I wanted to scream out and cry but I knew if I did that, he would hurt me even more. I just had to endure it. The thing was even if I didn’t say anything, he would hurt me until I did, which would just cause him to hurt me even more. It was a never ending process. It was also very painful. I had endured it before and I plan to do it again. I won’t let Xavier win, not this time.

This went on for I don’t know how long, but eventually he got me to squeal, causing him to move to my thigh. It went on like that for awhile, after my thigh, he went to my stomach and then to my face. I was on the brink of passing out when he finally stopped.

“This is what you get for being a bad girl and cheating on me. I gave you everything!! EVERYTHING!!!” Xavier yelled.

I didn’t and wouldn’t reply him so he continued.

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