Part 37

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Part 37

Alice’s POV

Once Nathan left, I had time to the kids. Of course, they just wanted to play video games, so I figured I’d play along with them. I mean I could learn to be cool too, right? Turns out, I fail at games, like majorly fail. As I watched them play, I couldn’t help but smile at how easily our life with Nathan’s family has become. I could never just take days off to spend time with them. I’ve been able to just sit back and relax since he’s entered my life. I hope he would be home soon; I wanted to spend some time with him.

Kate sat down next to me on the plushy bean bag chairs to watch the kids joking around and playing video games. She gave me a big smile, almost as if she knew something I didn’t. In order to play along, I gave her a smile of equal happiness.

“Sooooo….” She started.

I had to laugh at her childish antics.

“So, what Kate?” I asked.

“Has Nathan, you know?” She prompted.

“Has Nathan what, Kate?” I asked, totally confused.

“Oh come on! You have to know what I’m talking about. You guys are like destined for each other!”

“Kate, I honestly have no idea what you’re talking about. Spill it out. What is this about?” I said, adding a tone of seriousness in it.

“Has Nate asked you to marry him?!” She whispers, conspiratorially.

I froze. Marriage was a big step. Were Nathan and I really ready for that? I don’t even think we could get married in this chaos. We needed answers before we got into anything too serious.

“Kate…right now…we just…it’s not a good time, sweetie.” I tried to phrase my response correctly.

I visibly saw her deflate and the guilt immediately hit me.

“That’s not to say that we won’t in the future. That’s up to Nathan, but right now we just can’t think about it.” I tried to explain as best as I could.

“I know, but when you do, can I be a bride’s maid?” She immediately picked back up, bouncing in the squishy chair.

I noticed she said when, not if, so clearly she had some evil plan or something up her sleeves. I wouldn’t worry about though, she was nothing compared to a planet of aliens waiting for us to return home so we can repopulate the planet. Marriage wasn’t exactly on the top of my “things to do” list. I suppose Kate had her own priorities and one of them would be getting to see her brother married, and I’d love to be his wife, but right now wasn’t the time or place to be thinking or discussing this.

“Of course Kate, who else would it be?” I reassured her anyway.

She let a high pitched squeal, gave me a tight hug and jumped up join the video game with the kids. I shook my head at her antics and simply returned to watching the kids. She did get me thinking about what our future would be like. Let’s say we figured out who we were and managed to find our way back to our planet. What would we do? Would we stay on earth or our planet? What about our real parents? What about Nathan’s parents? Where would the kids want to go? My head started to hurt with all these crazy questions. I shouldn’t think about what if’s too much.

“Alice?” A voice came from the door.

I lifted my head up to see Nathan’s parents, looking more than a little distressed. I quickly sent a look to Kate and David to keep the kids occupied. They nodded while still concentrating on the game. I shut the door on my way out, just in case. They quietly led me into the living room and once I entered I let out a shriek of a lifetime.

“Oh my!!!” My hands flew to my chest to keep my heart from popping out of my skin.  

There, standing nervously was an alien, all purple and webbed hands and feet with red eyes.

“It’s just Nathan. Don’t freak out.” Carla placed her hand on my shoulder to relax me.

I saw Nathan in, what I assumed to be, his alien form, or rather his true form.

“Oh, Nathan, we’re really aliens!”

It seemed my brain had finally registered that we weren’t really humans. Clara and Jacob led me to the couch where I sunk into the softness, letting my brain catch up with my eyes.

“Do you want to try and change too? It’s extremely relieving, plus it’ll help you accept it.” He asked.

I stared at him, blinking occasionally. I don’t know if I could do this. Nathan took two cautious steps towards me, and offered me his hands.

“Trust me.” Were the only two words I needed.

I took his purple, slightly webbed hand. I noticed it was much softer than my own. We walked into the backyard followed by Nathan’s parents. He let go of my hand and stepped away.

“Just feel.”

I closed my eyes and allowed myself to get rid of all thoughts and breathed in, once I felt I was ready, I slowly exhaled, releasing all of my bad thoughts and energy.

“Wow…” Nathan breathed.

I opened my eyes and Nathan had a mirror in front of me. I wasn’t anything like him. Instead of purple skin, I was a dark blue with swirls of light blue ingrained into my skin. My feet were webbed like Nathan’s though, and my eyes were green. I looked so beautiful, compared to my human form.

“How come we don’t look like each other?” I asked.

“It could just be that our entire species looks nothing alike.” He tried to explain.

“Or Males and Females look different.” I added a theory.

“The only way to find out would be to ask Alex and Alec if they could shift…” Nathan trailed off.

“No! We are not getting them involved until we know the full story. I want to be sure that in our home planet they won’t be harmed in any way and that they can live a normal life in this planet.” I disagreed off the bat.

“Alright, let’s change and check the book again.” Nathan agreed fairly easily. I suppose he had probably thought of that too.

I didn’t know how I did it first but I just tried to repeat what I did and I was back to being human, or human looking I suppose. Nathan seemed to change easier than I did. I wonder if it got easier every time you did it or if he was just more accepting of his alien side than I was. We faced Nathan’s parents that were just staring at us in a mixture of shock, disbelief and slight hysteria.

“Please don’t freak out. I need you to be accepting of this.” Nathan went over to his parents with a pleading tone. They shook themselves out of their stupor.

“Sorry son, that was just a little shocking. We will always support you in whatever you wish to do.” Jacob was the first to speak. Clara simply nodded in agreement.

Nathan and I let out a sigh of relief before running upstairs to get the book. We quickly opened up to our most recently discovery of our alien form.

It read:

“After Nathan and Alice found their true forms, the book revealed to them the map, on the last page of the book…” We quickly flipped to the last page, to reveal a map and instructions to get back to our planet. Nathan and I both took pictures of it just in case. There was a pod located in the woods, near where Nathan had first told me we were aliens. It was pre-programmed to take us to our home planet in a matter of 30 earth hours. We could only bring the clothes on our backs and the pod was supplied with food and water and anything else we needed.

“Let’s start planning.” Nathan smiled at me.

“Finally, the answers I’ve been looking for.” 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2013 ⏰

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