Part 21

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How long have I been out?” He asked.

“A day, actually, a little bit more than a day, I think.” I told him, as best as I could.

“I thought it was less.” He commented.

I laughed at that, and in turn caused Nathan to laugh. I could feel the rumbling on my cheek as he laughed. 

Alright guys! Another Chapter! I still feel bad about not uploading like I used to. 

Part 21

We decided to call his parents since it was like 10am. I figured they were worried and would want to see him.

“Hello?” Someone picked up the phone, one of the maids or butlers probably.

“Hi, this is Alice. Can you put Carla or Jacob on the phone please?” I said and asked.

There was some rustling going on and I heard some voices before Carla’s came through the phone.


“Hi, Carla, it’s me, Alice. I have some happy news for you.” I said, cheerfully.

“What is it, honey?” She asked.

“Nathan's awake.” I told her.

“Oh, that’s great! Hold on a second.” She said, happily.

I could hear her yelled through the entire house.

“NATHAN'S AWAKE!!!!” She yelled.

There was a whole lot of cheering and I had to place the phone away from my ears. I heart Nathan chuckle, hearing everyone’s cheers.

“We’ll be there in a bit.” Carla said, before hanging up.

“See? They missed you.” I told him.

“Yeah, I missed them too, especially, you and the kids.” He said.

“They missed you too. We all missed you.” I said, quietly.

“I’m not leaving again.” Nathan said, suddenly.

“No, no, you have—” I started.

“I’m serious, Alice. I’m not leaving you guys again. I can leave my family because they aren’t in any danger, but I know if I leave you guys, Xavier is going to come back and get you or the kids. I can’t leave you guys like that.” He interrupted.

“No, I—” I started yet again.

“I’m taking you guys and that’s final. I made the decision a while ago and I’m not going to change it for anything.” Nathan interrupted once again.

“You’ve got business and stuff. You can’t take us with you.” I told him, still protesting.

“The business is only during daytime hours, after that I can do whatever I want. You, me and the kids, we’ll go play and hang out. No Xavier, no worries, no nothing.” Nathan invited.

Honestly, it sounded very tempting. He made it seem like it could really happen, and even if it was only for a couple of days, I wanted it.

“Ok, ok.” I gave in.

“Yes!”  Nathan yelled, before kissing my cheek.

Carla, Jacob, Kate, David, Alex and Alec were all here in a couple of minutes. They all rushed to Nathan and I had to get out of my seat. It was a hug/tear fest and Nathan was kind of overwhelmed.

Always Alone (On Hold/Writers Block/Slow Uploads)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora