Part 30

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Recap: I quickly ran back to Alice, even though I was ready to pass out myself. I gently tried to shake her awake. She managed to open her eyes up. I quickly took her in my arms, princess style, and flitted, even though I was at my limit for energy today. Blood was seeping out of my body, yet I ignored it. My vision was slightly hazy. I was having a hard time moving, since my body felt like lead. I knew I couldn’t go on much longer.

“Nathan, I’m tired. I want to go to sleep.” She said, quietly, her eyes fluttering, wanting to be shut.

“Shhh, don’t talk. Please don’t go to sleep.” I begged her.

“I’m sorry Nathan, but I can’t keep my eyes open. I love you.” She said, closing her eyes.

“ALICE!! Come on, baby girl. Don’t go to sleep. Please, just stay awake for a little bit more.” I pushed myself even more to get closer to the hospital.

I really couldn’t take it anymore myself and apparently my body knew that too. We weren’t inhuman, just supernatural aliens I suppose. I felt myself slipping into unconsciousness. I dropped to the ground, my body refusing to function. I pulled Alice closer to me. If this was how we were going to die, then I’d like to have her close to me.

“I love you.” I managed to breathe, before I closed my eyes. 

Part 30

Nathan’s POV

I couldn’t open my eyes. I couldn’t even tell where I was. All I could do was hear a constant beeping. I didn’t understand what was going on. Suddenly, I could feel my body again. Once I had located my eyes, I opened them. I quickly surveyed my surroundings.

Well I could tell I was in a hospital bed, so that meant that I was at the hospital bed. Memories of what happened instantly rushed back into my head and my next thought was “Alice!” and then I realized that she was in my arms, eyes opened, staring at me.

“Are you ok?” I whispered my voice very hoarse.

She turned around to the side table and helped me drink a couple sips of water.

“Yeah, I’m ok.” She laid her head against my shoulder.

Everything was ok, in perspective, but I had just killed my brother and figured out that we were an alien species from another planet, that needed repopulate soon. We would have to go home soon, I’d love to see my birth parents, and I’m sure Alice would too. The kids would also probably love to see their grandparents.

“So how long have you been awake?” I asked, feeling really sore.

She pressed the button for a nurse to come in and check on me. 

“I woke up just a minute before you actually.” She smiled at me.

The nurse came in, checked a couple of things and left but before she left she said something.

“I will let all the people waiting for you in. I hope you will be ok with that?” the nurse said.

I nodded and said they could come.

Mom, Dad, Steve, Dave, Alex, Alec, Sam, Carla, Kate and David all entered in at the same time. Alex and I were both shocked at how many people had arrived.

“Carla, Sam, Alex, Alec? How did you get here?” Alex asked, clearly shocked.

“Mom, dad, Kate, Dave, Steve, Kate and David, how did you guys get here?” I asked, clearly confused.

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