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Hey, Mofos! Zoey here and this is my OC for Massachusetts. Comment your opinions/any improvements I could make :) also we don't own the art

Representing: Massachusetts, USA

Name: Sophia "Sophie" Adams (Sophia was ranked the 3rd most popular name in 2015, and the 1st most popular in 2014/2013. Adams is inspired by John Adams)

Birthday: February 6, 1788 (Exact date MA was founded)

Actual Age: 227

Human Age (age they look): 21

Hair: Straight, brown, usually tied back into a bun. (The color and style are both inspired by Susan B. Anthony)

Eyes: blue (inspired Benjamin Franklin's blue eyes)

Height: 5'5 (average height of a US woman is 5'4.5, and I rounded up)

Body Type: Massy has a remotely healthy body type. She has an average height, weight, muscle mass, breast size, ect (Massachusetts was ranked as the 3rd healthiest state in the USA)

Family Members: the New England states (Connecticut, Maine, New Hampshire, Rhode Island and Vermont)

Strengths: intelligence (Massachusetts is ranked as the most well educated state), strong willed (first to stand up against England), persuasive (persuaded colonies to rebel against Britain)

Weaknesses: reckless (Boston Tea Party lead to MA being cut off from trade), tends to exaggerate (Boston massacre propaganda), rebellious (showed first true act of rebellion against the British)

Personality: Massachusetts is a freedom craving female, who will stop at nothin gain what she feels she deserves and a thirst for knowledge. Despite Sophie's admirable leadership roles, she can be rather irritating and controlling. Sophie had a tendency to act out of anger rather than rationally thinking over her situation, and deciding what select is the best choice.

Backstory: Ever since Sophie was a mere colony under English rule, she craved freedom.

Friends: America, France (sided in favor of the colonists during the American revolution), New England states (apart of New England)

Enemies: England (long term grudge over the revolutionary war), the southern colonies (the civil war), Germany (sided with England during the revolution)

Neutral: Everyone else.

Speech patterns/voice: thick Boston accent, can sometimes switch to a Worcester accent when angry.

Other: Sophie is often referred to as 'Massy, Masshole, Soph, and So' by her friends.

A note Massachusetts: "Dear Cold/Snow, please fuck off. Sincerely, New England."

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