The Face Family's Average Day

110 9 5

Canada: So...France asked me out today.

America: Him?! And what did you say?

Canada: I said maybe.

America: MAYBE?! You can't possibly be attracted to someone like him!

Canada: I don't know...He is handsome and sweet.

****France's sex lair-I mean bedroom*****

America: *Knocking on door*

France: *Opens door* Oui?

America: *Punches France*


America: Okay that made me feel a little better!

France: Mon ami, I don't understand what I even did!

England: Francis, who's at the door?

America: ......Was that Arthur?

France: I can explain. He was only helping me with some-

America: Angers back! *Punches France again*

France: -.-

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