Roast The OCs pt 1

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We gathered some of our IRL friends to roast our OCs :)


•"I'm sorry for all of those times I called you a whore. I didn't realize the lack of love from Greece left a hole in your heart that only dicks could fill."

•"You remind me of summer: Sweaty, short, and no class."

•"Save your breath, you'll need it to blow your pimp tonight."

•"Do your big boobs overcompensate from your lack of brain cells?"

•"Your eyes are as dead as your city."

•"If you keep drinking your problems, maybe you'll the alcohol poising will kill you-Oh wait...I'm a bit too late aren't I?"


"Whenever I get a boner, I just have to look at a picture of you and then it'll go away."

"In every friend group there's always the ugly/boring one...And that's you in every situation."

"Helena is a sex goddess, Beverly spent a month in the play boy mansion, as for you?..Well I suppose every squad has the boring one."

•"You're honestly too boring to insult...Not even the queen of mean can roast something as boring, insignificant, and irrelevant as you."

•"Having sex with you would be honesty as pleasurable as having sex with a fish out of water. The only difference is at least the fish moves around unlike your lifeless ass."

"You look like ugly Betty before her makeover."


•"Beautiful mess? Don't you mean psycho drama queen with a semi-trailer of emotional baggage?"

•"There's no point in trashing your face because your plastic surgeon already did that for me."

•"I don't know what's flatter, your hair, your personality, or your chest before the implants."

•"You might not have talent, so porn is always an option...but maybe fix your plastic face even more...Even porn has standards..."

•"I saw your last porno, and you're great at giving head....however with an ugly face like that you sort of have to be."

•"You look like a middle of a chart for the negative affects of steroids."


Want us to do this again? COMMENT AWAY!! Also leave any roasts for our OCs and we might just use them next time :)

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