Break Ups

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Some people let their exes down easy, while others do it over text message.....and then there's Sparta, California, and Massachusetts.


Massachusetts: *Drowning tea off of harbor*

England: What the bloody hell are you doing?!

Massachusetts: Oh fuck off, Kirkland.

England: This was supposed to be a gift!

Massachusetts: Iggy, I'm done with you. I declare independence!

England: Wait....Are you breaking up with me?!

Massachusetts: No...For me to break up with you there would have to be something between us for me to break.

England: Oi! Why are you being such a-

Massachusetts: Bitch? Uh, duh!

Sparta: *Falls from sky* GET DUNKED ON, EYEBROWS!


California: Uh, Spain? Do you think that women are objects?

Spain: No, of course not!

California: Well, then do you think that I'm some type of cheap hooker?

Spain: No! Why would you ask that?

California: I don't know....Maybe it's because you just sold me to America -.-

Spain: .............

Sparta: *crashes through window* GET REKT!


Prussia: Helen, why is there a dead body on the ground?

Sparta: Oh her? She's my ex.

Prussia: Why is she dead?

Sparta: Well we were having sex.

Prussia: And?

Sparta: And I got bored.

Prussia: Okay and?

Sparta: And then I stabbed her 53 times in the chest.

Prussia: Helen, that's fucked up even at your standards!

Sparta: Well how else was I supposed to break up with her?!

Prussia: I don't know....TALK TO HER!!!

Sparta: Oh yeah...Little too late for that now, huh?

Prussia: You give me anxiety....

Sparta: And you give me herpes.

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