Never Have I Ever (Drinking Game)

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America: Hey, dudes! Today we'll be playing never have I ever, drunk edition! This basically means that a person will say never have I ever done____ and if you have done whatever they said, you have to take a shot! If take three shots in a row you have to chug a bottle of beer.


Russia: I'll start; Never have I walked in on a family member doing the deed.

Athens/Denmark/Italy: *Takes shot*

Italy: I didn't know Romano was that flexible until I came home to find him and Spain-


Japan: *Drawing hentai* Huh, what yaoi? *Hiding notebook*

Denmark: I know that technically the Nordics aren't my biological family, but I'm still counting this because it was very traumatic. I walked in on Sweden and Finland.......

Sweden: *le poker face*

Denmark: The worst part was...THEY WERE USING MY LEGOS AS-

Finland: Uh, Denny? Let's not talk about the Legos.... >\\\<

Prussia: So, Alexander, which of your millions of siblings did you walk in on?

Athens: ...Too many.... *Shutters at memory* Alright I'll go...Never have I ever stripped for money.

California/Sparta: *Takes shot*

Sparta: Party like a porn star, bitches!

Germany: *face palm*

Sparta: I'm no longer a city-state, how else do you think I try and pay off Greece's crippling debt?

Prussia: How much do you charge?

Sparta: I charge-

England: NOPE.BIZ.UK! This is not turning into your hooker hotel!

Sparta: How did you know about that hotel?! Are you a cop?!

Norway: Okay, before this gets anymore out of hand, California, you took a shot as well.

California: Someone gave me like twenty bucks to flash....And there was like that one sex tape, but let's not go down that road! Anyways, I'll like go next. Never have I ever topped someone who is like literally always seme.

England/France/Canada: *Takes shot*

France: I have only been uke one time...All I'm saying is pirate Anglettere is best Anglettere....

America: Agreed, French Fry, agreed.

England: Shut it! *blushes*

France: Wait, Canada, when did you top someone who is usually seme?

Canada: the one time I'm actually noticed just has to be now........

America: Bruh, spill it!

Canada: It happened during The Vancouver riots....Canadian rage is real.....

Russia: Da, ass really hurt from that....

Canada: O/////O M-MAPLE!!

Everyone but Canada: YOU TOPPED RUSSIA?!

France: *crying tears of joy* I'm so proud of you!

Canada: L-Let's not talk about it! Anyways, never have I ever woken up in a place and didn't know where I was....

Spain/Denmark: *Takes shot*

Spain: I once woke up in a strange location where everyone was weird and pale. The skies were cloudy and the food was terrible! Then I realized I was in my own personal hell.  *shivers* I figured out that I had been captured by the English armada!

Massachusetts: Been there done that....

England: I was at war with you, and you dumped my tea off of Boston harbor!

Massachusetts: VIVE LA REVOLUTION!

France: I taught you well, Massy.

Denmark: I woke in the hospital one time and I didn't know how I got there. It was so intense and everything was in pain!

Finland: Were you okay?!

Norway: The idiot was there because he ate a Lego.

Denmark: I know, it was so traumatic!

Norway: -.- Never have I ever partied to the point where I injured myself.

Sparta/Athens: *takes shot* toga parties...enough said......

Sparta: I wasn't sure what happened, but I woke up with a fish in my mouth, pixies sticks in my pussy, and I was in a pile of some sort of suspicious liquid.

England: this....this is why I have no respect for you.....

Sparta: Bitch, I have no respect for me! I've lost all sense of shame after I covered myself in peanut butter and had a fifteen hooker hang bang!

America: Dude....

Prussia: Never have I ever made a viral video.

Nordic five: *takes a shot*

Denmark: Have you ever seem a video called blondes gone wild?

Prussia: Uh...No?

Iceland: Don't....

Germany: Ummm....Okay? Never have I ever written a book....

Japan: *takes shot*

America: Dude what book?

Japan: ....The great book of yaoi and yuri....

Hungary/France: can I borrow that sometime?

Massachusetts: Well while these guys jack off to Japan's scarily accurate book, leave a comment if you want to see this again or for any suggestions on never have I ever questions! Bye!

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