Facebook Chats (The NorDICK 5)

231 19 23

Icey had updated his status to in a relationship!
<King_Of_The_North, Sweden's_Wife, This_Is_Sparta, and 15 others liked this post>

Big_Brother_Norge: Iceland, you are too young for these kinds of things!

King_Of_The_North: Come on, Norge just let him have a little fun! It'll be fine as long as he wears a condom!

Ikea_Is_My_Religion: I could supply one....

Icey: ....This is why I sold myself on eBay....
<I'm_a_real_country liked this comment>

Sweden's_Wife: So, anyways....Who is the lucky lady or gentleman?

Icey: Her name is Laura.

Big_Brother_Norge: Oh god...Not again!

Sweden's_Wife: What's wrong with that?

Big_Brother_Norge: Laura is what he named his fridge....

Icey: She's my fridge...
<King_Of_The_North liked this comment>

Big_Brother_Norge: Iceland...How many times do I have to tell you to NOT hump the fridge!


<Icey is offline>

King_Of_The_North: Norge....I thought you were more tolerant than this. Don't be fridgeophobic #NorgeTheFridgeophobe

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