Getting Along

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Massachusetts: I'm sick of you guys fighting all the time....You're going to need to hug it out.

California: Ew! She'll give me STDS!

Massachusetts: ....STDS don't work that way, Beverly.

Sparta: I'm wearing a white shirt, her orange spray tan is going to stain it.

Massachusetts: Guys-

California: Well, I don't want to get slut all over my new dress.

Sparta: Why not? It would match your sandy vagina.

Massachusetts: Guys- *is getting the Canada treatment*

Sparta: I don't want to even be near you, and it's not just because I'm allergic to plastic.

California: Well, I'm allergic to bitches and you don't see me complaining.

Sparta: I wish I didn't see at all. It would save my eyes from bleeding out.

California: No matter how fast you bleed, they're not going to die faster than your nonexistent city.

Sparta: And no matter how nonexistent my city is, it's still more real that your silicon hooters and bad nose job.

Massachusetts: GUYS!!!!!!!! You're going to hug right now, or I'm telling New Jersey!

Sparta: Ugh, that guy is so damn annoying!

California: Fine....but I won't like it.

Sparta: *Wraps hands around California's neck, presses her face to chest*

California: *Squirming*

Massachusetts: Helen, you're suffocating her...

Sparta: No I'm not.

California: *muffled scream*

Sparta: See? She's fine.

Massachusetts: There's only one way of settling this *raises fist*

Sparta: Fine. *raises fist*

*five minutes later*

California: Did you guys like....just play Rock Paper Scissors for my life?!

Massachusetts: Well yeah, but I won.

California: ....I fucking hate all of you! *leaves*

Sparta: What the hell is her problem?

Massachusetts: I don't know...She's always like this.

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