California Making Fun Of Sparta

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We don't own the video, just the parody.

California: Like, oh my god! Where the hell is that Spartan Whore? *Playing with makeup and wigs*

Massachusetts: Probably drunk somewhere.

California: *Puts on black wig, shoves pillow into bra* Hey, guys! I'm like the Spartan slut now!

Fem!Athens: Well....You're not wrong.

*Music starts*

California: *singing* Look at me, I'm plain trashy
Never had virginity
Bring everyone to bed, but I'll never wed
I can't; I'm too slutty!
Watch me! Hey I'm only half gay
I was not brought up that way
Won't come across,
My city I lost
By going all the way
All I do is drink

Fem!Athens: Yes!

California: And swear

Fem!Athens: Yes!

California: I only braid my hair

Fem!Athens: Eew!

California: I blow all my money on cigarettes

Fem!Athens: *cough, cough, cough*

California: Put your filthy paws
On my STD infected draws
I don't care that you're married to Annette!
As for you Prussia dude
I know what you wanna do
You got your crust
You only like me for lust
I'm just plain trashy
Athens, Athens, don't let me be!
Keep that penis right in me!
Just stay on my knees
But I still never please
Hey Fongool, I'm super tiny!

Sparta: *Enters* Are you making fun of me, fake tits?

California: *Takes off wig* Some people are just so touchy...

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