Helen's Best Quotes (WARNING:OFFENSIVE)

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Hey, mofos! Zoey here, and I'm just saying that this is supposed to be a JOKE! Please don't take any of these offensively.

-"What's that? You want to be a doctor? Well I wanted to become ballerina, and guess what I became? HIV positive."

-"I used to have a husband, but one night he said he was going to get a beer...Well that beer was all the way in Tennessee and is much younger and richer."

-"You're boring me to death, and I'm already dead....You're boring me BACK to death."

-"My boobs are bigger than your life."

-"Alliances are like boobs: some are big, some are small, some are real, and some are fake, but at the end of the day they all serve the same purpose."

-"Friendship: If they don't have your back they can suck on your sack."

-"Kill myself? Okay, I'll just climb to your ego and jump down to your dick size."

-"Roses are red, Ravens are black, why is your chest as flat as your back?"

-"There's a lot I'll miss about you, but I think what I'll miss the most is how satisfying it was to make you smile. Just know that whenever you smile apart of me lives on." (Sparta tells this to Winchester when she dies in a OneShot)

-"So what if I'm horny, all the best people are."

-*Popping pills* "Anyone want to get weird and play Mario Kart?"

-"I still have your virginity, lingerie, and boyfriends dick....Need I go on?"

-"I boned everyone and everything in this room...See that spot where you're standing? Yeah you might not want to stand there...."

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