Bromano the Brotato

191 21 20

Italy: hey Romano! Guess what Japan taught me?

Romano: if it has to do with tentacle I don't want to know...

Italy: No! It's that Romano is a type of cheese, potato and bean, while Roma is a kind of tomato :)

Romano: Why the fuck should I care?

Italy: Because cheese is a big part of Francey pants' culture, as are beans and tomatoes to Spain, and potatoes to Germany.

Romano: Again, why do I care?

Italy: because this implies that you are the true potato bastard, will alway be apart of Spanish/French culture, and also you technically are A tomato :)

Romano: *eye twitch of anger*

America: *walks in* who wants weed brownies- *gets punched in face by Romano*

Italy: *starts running away*

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