A Slutty Interview

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Interviewer: So, tell me a little bit about Sparta.


England (Helena Hater #1): She replaced my eye cream with my genital cream.


Athens (Helena's brother): She shaved my hair and sold it for wigs.


Hermia: (Sparta's 2p): She replaced my birth control pills with breath mints.


Barcelona (Helena's only good influence): She'll steal your money.


Romano (Helena's friend): She puked in my special thermal socks.


Megara (little sister): She said everyone was going to place 7 minutes in the closet.....she lied.


Japan (finds Helena to be disturbing): She broke into my house naked and then stole all my porn.


Canada (Who?): She told my parents I was kidnapped and used to ransom money to pay for a Brazilian prostitute.


Austria (irritated with Helena): that bitch gave me a haircut while I was asleep.


Prussia (Partner in crime/BFFF): I don't know how she got my fingerprints on the handgun-


Finland (gave Helena coal): She sold me to the crowned prince of Calvadonia.


Interviewer: Finish this sentence; Sparta can be-


Greece (Helena's debt buddy): Opinionated


Turkey (Helena hater #2): Manipulative


Thebes (killed Helena): Deceitful


Italy (is team Athens): Terrifying


France (Helena's friend): Shifty


Germany (easily annoyed by Helena): Horrible


Spain (Helena's friend): confusing


Interviewer: Anything else?


Athens (brother): don't trust the bitch in Greece.


Poland (would like totally rather be shopping right now): Don't-


America (made a movie about Helena) Do not-


Russia (finds Helena annoying) Do not trust that bitch.


Sparta: Don't listen to them-I'm fan-fucking-tastic!

Barcelona (Helena's only good influence): you owe me like sixty dollars!

Sparta: Just be grateful you still have your hair and virginity :)

Barcelona: O.o

If you guys get where I got this entire thing from, I'll love you forever.
Barcelona belongs to ThE_black-Midnight

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