Chapter 27

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I gasp for breath, laughing so hard my abs are tense and sore, but it's a great feeling. I can't remember the last time I laughed this hard, if I've ever laughed this hard. I don't know if it's from the amount of alcohol I've consumed or from Cher's reenactment of The Notebooks famous scene when Noah tells Ally he's a bird. She's fallen off her bed at least five times now, and her accent only gets more pronounce with each try. Cher's friend, Natasha lays on the floor laughing, gripping her stomach and a bottle of some sort of vodka.

"St-sto-stop!" I beg Cher between gasps of air and laughs, who tries yet again to be a 'bird in the ocean'

"Say I'm a bird!" she shouts at the top of her lungs, flailing her arms like propellers.

Natasha shakes her head, laughing so hard she shorts only causing her to laugh louder and harder. Having a marathon of Nicolas Sparks movies turned out to be funner then I thought when I agreed to it a few hours ago. I was worried that when Cher and Natasha saw how upset I was, they'd begin to interrogate about what was wrong. Instead, they forcibly made me join their marathon of romance movies, booze, and unending supply of Cheetos. Needless too say, I haven't spoken a word of Dylan in hours and it feels amazing. Unfortunately, that is probably an effect of the booze running wild in my system.

"You're not a bird!" I yell, yet again in attempt to get her from jumping from her bed and falling to the floor.

Cher falls back to her bed in defeat, blowing away the hair that fell over her face, "Why can't I find a fucker like Noah?" she says in despair.

Both Natasha and I chuckle at her, "Because, guys like Noah only exist in Nicolas Spark movies and cologne ads." Natasha says finishing whatever drink she had in her cup.

I envy that girl, even if I just met her. She has pastel purple hair, and killer confidence that would make any guy run. Even so, she's so soft spoken and sweet I was thrown off guard when she jumped up and gave me a hug so tight that I couldn't help but cry on her shoulder. I wish I could have half the confidence she has.

"Guys want one thing and one thing only. Sex. And once they get it..." she snaps her fingers in the air, "They vanish so quickly you'll think you have the plague."

"Easy for you to say." Cher speaks, staring up at the ceiling, "You have William." Cher says in a sing song voice, throwing a pillow at Natasha.

"Whose William?" I ask, trying to sit up from my bed that began to spin suddenly.

Natasha sits against Cher's bed, holding her cup up for a refill. "My boyfriend."

"They've been inseparable since Freshman year. They were the 'it' couple of the campus for the longest time." Cher gossips while Natasha simply rolls her eyes, she's probably heard all of this way too many times. "Whenever I see them together, he has his tongue jammed down her friggin' throat!" Cher taunts, laughing.

"Shut your mouth!" Natasha takes the pillow and begins beating Cher with it, who continues to taunt her with kissing noises and erotic jesters. I busy myself with filling my cup again and trying not to stubble over discarded chip bags and shoes. If I wasn't so buzzed, I'd be in panic trying to clean this mess.

"Mercy! Mercy!" Cher shouts as she's cornered by Natasha who continues to beats her with a pillow, "Bitch I said mercy!" Cher kicks her legs out from under her and Natasha flops down on the bed with a loud thud.

I wait for a fight to begin, but the two just laugh at each other. They are some crazy girls, but I'm happy I'm here. I need some sort of distraction from the chestnut brown eyed man who has evaded my thoughts and taken over almost every moment of my time. I shake my head, trying to rid him yet again before the sinking feeling from earlier comes back.

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