Chapter 54

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Author's Note:

Hello my queens!! Wow... like wow how long has it been? Don't answer that lol it's been too long for sure! I want to be back and I have such an amazing vision for this book and possible sequels... que squeeeeels... anyways! I know it's been a hot minute since I've written on here and it makes me sad remembering how happy I was writing. So I really want to pick it up! I'm so sorry for being gone for so long but hopefully with everything in my life settling I can get back.

I'm not very personal on here but I figured, why not give you a glimpse into what has been going on. Very long story is about to be made short.

Right about the time I began this story, I began dating my best friend. He was and is still an amazing man, one I will always love. Well, right around the time I stopped writing was right about the time we called off our wedding and I found out some less than wonderful things that have been happening without me knowing. After that I was involved in an accident that left me with some injuries but thankfully I'm all well now. Shortly there after I became homeless for a time and was living couch to couch.

However! Welcome to 2019 queens! I have been determined these last six months to become the woman I deserve to be! I'm in an amazing apartment of my own and will be operating my own business shortly! Small successes yes, but they mean the world to me. Well one of my new year resolutions was to get back to writing. To be honest, I wasn't going to. That is until I got the sweetest inbox message from someone and it opened my eyes. I love writing and truly miss it. So hopefully I can get this fire lit once more and we can continue on this roller coaster relationship between Skylar and Dylan!

Well if you read that whole thing, thank you! You are amazing and YOU are the reason why I am here and back! Please enjoy!


Skylar's POV:

People say time heals all wounds.

Well I call bullshit!

It seems like the more time passes the more this hole in my chest grows. The more this pain swelling in my chest is threatening to consume me. I welcome it though, because maybe then, I could feel some relief. It's been four days and absolutely no Dylan. I swear, when that man wants to vanish... he does. I've done everything I can to reach him and yet... I reach out to empty air.

He's gone.

Cher will hardly speak to me, let alone look at me. I never considered her a close friend, however facing her cold shoulder hurts more than I realized it would. I feel like a walking zombie, the world is flashing past me and I'm walking with my feet in chains hardly making it anywhere. It was me who gave up this time, so this is all on me. As much as I could feel Dylan shutting me out that night, he wasn't giving up on us. I was the one to give up on us.

This wound is my fault.

I turn the shower off when the water finally runs cold. For a college dorm shower, the water gets pretty hot and lasts for a decent enough time. Just... not long enough to burn me to the point I forget the pain. I wrap my towel around my body and step from the stall gathering my belongings. It's almost ten at night and I'm feeling the sleepless nights and endless days kicking me when I'm already down.

After getting into my pajamas and finishing getting ready for bed, I head down the hallway to my dorm. It's pretty quiet for a Friday night but I'll take it. When I open the door, Cher is walking around in a barely there dress and her long dark hair curled.

"Hey." I say softly, really not expecting a response.

Could I honestly blame her? I've been an awful friend to her.

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