Chapter 29

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Monday morning, I wake with a new sense of self. I refuse to let myself sink so far from the surface over a man who can't even see how much hes hurt me. I make a promise to myself to get back on track, to refocus my attention where it should of been since I've been on campus. I've allowed myself to become so distracted by Dylan and the troubles that came with him, I lost sight of what I want.

Today is the day I get back on track. This morning I got out of bed early, begrudgingly I may add, and went on my jog. Something I use to do, something I haven't done since I moved into my dorm. The air was cold and crisp and burned my lung, still I push myself further and harder, forcing myself not to give up. Barely anyone is awake, only a few students wandered the sidewalks along with some doing morning jogs like me.

My mind is clear as I pump my legs harder down the pavement, my breath heavy as it fill my burning lungs. It feels amazing, as if I can leave behind all my distractions and problems and run towards what I've always wanted. This is a new beginning, something I desperately need right now in my life. I have to forget Dylan, no matter how much my heart doesn't want to, my mind knows I need to.

It's for the best.

I keep saying this to myself and slowly I'll believe it. It may not be today or even this week, but eventually I will. Letting him go is what I need to do, even if it's not what I want. The things we need are not always what we want.

Deciding I've gone far enough, I turn around ready to head back for a shower and a much needed breakfast. Lost in my own thoughts of renewal, I zone out and run right into another student jogging in the opposite direction. I trip over them and fall flat on my stomach, my arms and hand scrapping against the cement.

"Oh God." I groan in agony, already feeling the burning of road rash on my skin.

"Jeez! I'm sorry, I didn't see you." I roll over to my back hearing someone's voice. "You kinda came out of nowhere." he chuckles.

The stranger stands over me, brows knitting closely with concern, "Are you alright?"

He comes into focus slowly, bright green eyes glistening in the morning sun stare into mine. "Um... y-yeah I'm.... good." I trip over my own tongue and giddy school girl heart in response.

He smiles a crooked, shy smile at me and I swear it melts all my pain that I felt just seconds ago. "Here." he reaches and takes both my arms in his hands and easily brings me to my feet without any struggle.

"Thanks." I mumble, wiping small pebbles from my palms and arms, "Sorry I... ran into you."

"You seemed to have been pretty lost in your thoughts, it was my fault I got distracted." he sheepishly admits, his large hands still holding me steady.

I can't help but smile at his confession, "I guess that's why I love running, helps me clear my head."

"Makes my excuse seem a lot less suitable for running." he laughs then quickly notices his hands and drops them instantly. His flushed cheeks burn red and he looks anywhere but at me.

"So then why do you run?" I choose to not acknowledge his actions.

He smiles, "Because cake is way to delicious not to eat."

He laughs at his own corny joke and I can't help but join in and laugh right along with him. It's a nice, light laugh one that makes me feel relieved. We stay standing on the sidewalk, dripping in sweat while our laughs subside.

"So I guess the running helped you then?" he remarks, "To clear your head that is?"

"A little, I think the fall to the ground finished the job though."

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