invisible : prologue

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This prologue doesn't mean I'm starting it just yet even tho I have it all planned and this is vv short too


When my door opened at three in the morning, I groaned and hid under the covers. "Reece get the fuck up right now you piece of shit!" Char yelled, turning on the light.

I peeked from under the covers, seeing my sister was standing there with her phone in hand, dressed in pink penguin pyjamas. "What?"

"Listen closely," she smirked. "Listening?"

I nodded and sighed, blinking my eyes open and looking at her. "Go on then, you idiot."

"Okay, okay."

She licked her lips and grinned. "Dear Miss Grean, I am writing this email to inform you that you have won the opportunity to interview and meet the band, Five Seconds of Summer in early January."

"You won?" I asked, smiling and sitting up.

She let out an excited giggle. "Yes, I fucking did."

She jumped onto my bed and cuddled me, so I held her tightly as she cried softly in to my shoulder. "You really love this band, don't you?"

"They make me so happy, Reece."

She sat up and wiped her eyes before she continued. "I get to meet them, and I get to hug them, and I'm gonna tell them how much I love them, and that they're album is gonna be lit, and that they make me happy."

I chuckled and wiped her eyes. "It's okay, Char. Just breathe."

She took in a deep breath and smiled. "Can you come with me? Mum will embarrass me."

"Yeah, I can drive you," I agreed.

She hugged me again and I grinned, kissing her forehead.

"Love you so much," she giggled. "I can't wait."

"I love you too, I'll take you for McDonald's in the morning, yeah?" I offered and she sat up and nodded in response. "Go to bed, or else you'll be cranky in the morning."

"Okay," she agreed, getting off of the bed and smiling. "The fuck do I say to them?"

"Tell them they're hot," I said with a shrug, and with that, Char smiled and left my room.

I got back under my covers and fell asleep again.

But what wouldn't hit me for months, was that because of my sister's obsession of that band, I was meeting the love of my life and my four best friends.


Just a small prologue to keep you waiting

In this Luke is 19, Reece is 18, Char is 16 the band are their ages now but like this is set in 2016 during tour from the first chapter as school is involved.

It's set over an entire year because Luke is in 5sos and he's famous and Arzaylea is involved and she's going to be a bitch and they're going to say things about her that aren't nice, I've also made up that she's homophobic to help with the plot. So if you don't agree don't comment saying something because it's fiction. She's only mentioned mainly, and physically in it twice lol

There is some made up things about arzaylea to make her character a bitch, for example she's biphobic. This does not mean they are true as she has in fact had a girlfriend before and now obviously Luke

there's gonna be smut, they will share, also brashton are real in this, so if you hate on Bryana and arzaylea you'll get muted and blocked :)

Have fun :)

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