invisible : chapter twenty-two

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ok so I'll update the second part of this chapter as we get 50+ comments love you


On June 30th I was woken at nine am by my best friends, my sister and my mum. I groaned as I heard them singing happy birthday, but peaked out from under the duvet covers. Mum held the cake as everyone sang and I sat up.

Mum sat on the bed, as they reached the end of the song and she held the cake out to me. The song finished and I blew out the candles before dipping my finger in to the icing, sucking it off my finger. Mum slapped my hand making my friends laugh. "Happy birthday baby." Mum kissed my forehead, "Nineteen and all grown up."

"When are you moving out?" Char asked.

"Never." I said, "I love my mama too much."

"I'll go get your presents from Luke." Mum said, leaving the room with the cake. Char gave me a birthday card and hugged me before she left. My friends sat on my bed, Liv sitting on Q's lap, as Oli and Will sat next to me, Ben on my desk chair.

They handed me a present, "It's from all of us." Ben said, "We chipped in."

"Thanks." I opened the wrapping and I burst out laughing at what was inside. "I hate you all." I pulled out the black shirt that said 'the future Mr Hemmings' on the front.

"Hey we all think it will happen." Liv said with a grin, making me blush and smile.

"Thank you."

Mum opened the door again, carrying a big cardboard box full of stuff. "This is from Luke?" Will asked.

"Well Luke and the other three lads." Mum said, putting it on the floor in front of me.

"Thank you." I smiled. "Hey Ben pass me the scissors on my desk will you?" He looked for them before handing them to me and I cut open the sellotape. I put the scissors on my bedside table before owning up the box and my mouth fell open in shock. "I ask the boy for one thing, so they send me everything."

I took out Luke's sweater which I asked for and I slipped it on as I slept in my boxers, it smelt like his cologne. I could've guessed he asked his mum to spray it in something that smelt good as he hadn't worn in for at least over a year.

In the box was some band shirts, and they each had a sticker saying who they were off, these were off Ashton. There was a shoe box, so I pulled it out seeing they were nice Vans, the box said they were from Calum. There was a glass jar in it too, which a label saying: "Reece, this is a jar full of notes saying what I love about you, love Luke xx"

There was an envelope stuffed next to the shoe box do I opened it, and my mouth fell open, "They got me Sleeping With Sirens tickets." I said in shock.

"What the fuck Reece." Will said, "I am coming with you."

"Hell yeah you are. There's four." I grinned, putting the envelope on to my bedside table beside the scissors. There was another letter that said to be read alone so I put that away. There was a massive bag of Japanese sweets saying its from Michael.

Under the bag of sweets though was an iPhone 6 box. "I hate them." I mumbled, seeing a note from Luke that said they're numbers were already on it and it was linked to Luke's credit card. "I'm gonna kill him."

"When you go to prison for killing Luke can I have the phone?" Liv asked, "What colour is it?"

I opened the box, "Gold." I smiled, I took the phone out of the box and switched it on. I let it turn on but Oli stood up and pulled something out of the box, "You now have more condoms and lube." He said, making me look up at him: I blushed seeing extra thin condoms and sensual lube.

Invisible ⇝ Luke Hemmings ✓Where stories live. Discover now