invisible : chapter one

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Please comment through out and for what you think and maybe some predictions also

Also I know Arzaylea is gonna be rude in this but one, this is fiction, two, if she's nice then Luke wouldn't leave her for Reece. I may not like her that much but I'm not rude to her or send hate and slut shame, I never have and never will, it's a horrible word.


The morning of the meet-and-greet-slash-interview, I was shaken awake only to be jumped on.

"Please leave me alone," I groaned, holding my hands out and grabbing Charlotte. "Stop."

"You need to get up, we're meeting 5sos," she reminded me with a giggle.

I opened my eyes to see her grinning. "Okay, let me get dressed. I better have coffee made by the time I get down stairs."

"Yes sir," she said, getting off of me and leaving my room, the door wide open.

I got dressed in a blink shirt and some skinny jeans before grabbing my Converse. I found my beanie and slipped it on before leaving my room with my phone and wallet in hand. I went to the kitchen and saw Char setting two plates of toast on the table and two cups, one with tea and the other with coffee, the latter of which was for me.

"You're meeting Five Seconds of Summer and you look like that," Char said shaking her head at me disapprovingly. "Fix your hair or I won't let you near them."

I huffed and took off the beanie. I let Charlotte sort out my hair as I ate my toast and drank my coffee. Once we were done, my hair was brushed perfectly to the side: a little messy, but a fashionable mess, according to Char. When she was ready, she grabbed the piece of paper that let her meet the four boys, and we headed out the door.

It was an hour drive to the city to meet them at the radio station. So, we got in to my car, and Char slipped in her All Time Low album before we drove off.

"What are you gonna say to them?" I asked curiously.

Char shrugged. "Gonna ask Ash if he's dating Bryana or not. I want a straight answer, especially after all the photos I've seen," she said, pulling down the mirror to check the natural-looking makeup she had on. She didn't like it much, and only wore it for special occasions. Like now.

"Maybe he doesn't want people to know. They might just be really close friends who cuddle."

"Louis and Harry used to cuddle, they dated, now they can't even sit together," Charlotte said, making me roll my eyes.

"You don't know they're dating."

"Another question to ask Michael; he was close with Harry," she replied.

The rest of the drive we sang along to Future Hearts, and once we got in to the city it took us some time to find a parking spot. Then we had to find the radio station. There were already girls outside the building, waiting for the boys to arrive.

I took the letter from Charlotte and went towards the doors where I was stopped and I showed it to the security. They read it before letting me and Char in. I held her hand as we were shown where to go.

When we were told to wait, we sat down on a sofa. The woman who showed us where to go asked, "Would you like a drink? Biscuits?"

Charlotte asked for some orange juice so I asked for a coffee.

"You're gonna be up tonight." Char pointed out when the assistant left.

"I know," I sighed. "How come you're so calm? You're meeting your favourite band."

Invisible ⇝ Luke Hemmings ✓Where stories live. Discover now