invisible : chapter eleven

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the comments just dropped what the hell guys :( im pouting at you


The airport was busy as me and Char were saying goodbye to the boys before they went through security. There were barriers around the boys and a lot of fans to say goodbye to them but they wanted to say goodbye to us first.

Michael had his arms around my waist and I had mine around his neck, "Please talk to Luke." Michael said, "I promise you on Calum's future wedding ring that he likes you more than a friend."

"Maybe." I shrugged, squeezing him once before letting go. I kissed his cheek, "Have fun, don't get Calum pregnant." I joked.

"A baby us would be cute." Michael said, he hugged Char, and Calum and Ashton came to us, Bryana was waiting for them as she already hugged me and she didn't want a lot of attention. Ash and Cal hugged me before I kissed their cheeks. "Look after Bry and Mike and don't let Luke get distracted by whatshername and keep him grounded." I told them.

"Will do sir." Calum saluted me before he ran to Char and picked her up in a hug.

Ash poked my tummy. "you'll be okay?"

I nodded, "Yeah. Please look after Luke? He's fragile."

"We know Reece, he's our best friend too." I smiled and hugged him again. "Have fun with college, we'll see you on tour." Ashton smiled and pulled away.

The three boys took some quick photos with fans and I took a big one for them all and said I'd tweet it for them later before the three boys left. Char and me ducked under the barrier and some fans looked at us and smiled.

"Your crush is so bad." Char said and I saw more fans look at us.

"Shush, keep it down." I hissed, punching her arm.

Then some girls came over to us, "Can we get a photo?" One asked.

"Why?" I asked curiously with a laugh.

"Because you're cute." A girl said before slapping her hand over her mouth. "I didn't say that, ignore me." She grinned.

"It's fine." I took quick photos with the girls and I was so awkward as I did it. Once it was done, one girl asked me how I knew the boys.

"Char won a contest and she got to interview them, I ended up giving my number to Luke over Twitter." I smiled. "They're all idiots, you have great idols."

"So which one are you crushing on?" One asked.

I blushed, "none, they're straight and I'm gay." I smiled.

"You're a big fat liar." Char yelled from behind me.

"Shut the fuck up Char." I cursed her out.

"Can we go home,m? mum says she's getting a Chinese for tea." Char stood up, grabbing my wrist. I said bye to the girls before we left.

In the car, I had a wifi box so it could connect to my phone, Char mainly used it though, and she was now. "Someone tweeted a video of you talking to the girls, I think they were talking to you before we left." Char said.

"What about it?" I asked.

"The caption says, 'Reece denies having a crush on one of the boys, I personally think it's Ash'." Char grinned at me, "People now think you're up Ashton's ass."

I groaned, "He's hot but he's got Bryana and she's so sweet." I huffed.

"Oh Ash tweeted." She said then, "He said, 'lol non I'm straight, Reece is my gayest friend and he sucks."

Invisible ⇝ Luke Hemmings ✓Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt