invisible : chapter twenty-nine (+)

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Pleaseeeee comment because I only got 8 last chapter :(

Can I just say i love Cole, kris, daisee, Stacie, Gaby and Jade along with jades friend BC of the selfies along with Rita :))))) I love you all a lot and you make me laugh and smile and you make my day and one day I plan on meeting you all (cri I nearly met daisee at otra) and I should be meeting kris at atl woo and Rita in the summer hopefully

I'm a sentimental fuck with too many feelings

I love Luke's chin???


When we were driving to the beach, we all got in to Ashton's car, Luke was on my lap in the back seat, leaning against the open window. Char was with us, squished against the other window next to Calum. Michael and Ash in the front seats.

Luke was pouting in my lap, he was annoyed that he wasn't allowed to be intimate around me. "Don't be mad princess." I told Luke. "We're still together."

"I hate this." I sighed and kissed the back of his neck. "I don't care." He shrugged, "'m gonna do what I like."

"Luke." Ashton said, "You can be intimate but don't go forcing your tongue down Reece's throat."

I chuckled, resting my chin on his shoulder. "Love you."

"Love you too." Luke pecked my lips, making Calum gag next to us.

We got to the beach and I took the bag I'd brought, which had mine, Luke's and Char's towel in it. I had some sun lotion as well because I know Char got sunburnt sometimes. Luke walked by my side, our hands brushing and we both wanted to link them but we knew it wouldn't be long until a fan came over or paparazzi found the boys.

We found an area to put our towels down and once I was done, I took off my shirt and Luke stared up at me. "Cmon Lukey, shirt off."

Luke scrunched his nose up, putting his sunglasses on. "I'd rather not."

"Pretty please?" I pouted, holding my hand out to him. "For me."

Luke sighed and took my hand, letting me pull him up. He took off his shirt, leaving us in our swimming shorts. I poked his tummy, "See you're cute. You shouldn't hate your upper body."

"I just don't like people staring." Luke frowned.

"They're staring because you're hot as fuck." And Luke smiled a little before he took my hand in his and dragged me to the ocean. We got in to the warm water and Luke didn't stop swimming till it was up to his neck and he had to float on his own, so I got to him and wrapped my legs around his waist. "I'm not a great swimmer Luke."

Luke wrapped his arms under me so he held my bum, my arms around his neck as he hugged me. "I love you."

"I love you too." I kissed his cheek.

"I still feel bad." Luke mumbled. "About last night."

"Shut up about it Luke." I sighed, "It was great and so were you. You took my virginity and it was nice and fun and I loved every second of it." I told him. "And you looked so hot when you came."

Luke blushed, "Stop it."

"I wanna do it again, and again and again." I smirked, running my wet hand through Luke's slightly wet hair. I lifted his sunglasses off his eyes, and on top of his head, letting me get a look at the pretty blue orbs.

"Really?" Luke asked, my hand ran across his cheek to his lips, my thumb on the bottom plump pink lip.

"Yes, any day." I smiled.

Invisible ⇝ Luke Hemmings ✓Where stories live. Discover now