invisible : chapter thirteen

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This story is gonna be lit

Y'all go check out kris' (umlashton ) new Mashton story California dreaming


It'd been a few months since the boys came home last, and their tour had started up again. They were working hard, doing incredible shows to their fans and I was working hard at college, I had only a month left then I was done with education for a while--I wanted to go on a gap year.

I was currently in the library with my friend, Q, we both had headphones in separately, so we could concentrate. I was revising for my upcoming psychology exam that was in two and a half weeks and I just wanted to get it over and done with.

My phone was playing All Time Low's Poppin' Champagne and I was having a mental dance battle simply because it was one of my favourites. Me and Luke had argued the best all time low song and we couldn't come to an agreement.

My song was interrupted by the text tone making me pick it up and pull out a head phone. I saw it was Luke and he'd sent a photo.

I unlocked my phone and clicked on my messages to see Luke had sent a photo of himself wearing a beanie and a cute red thing with Japanese writing on it.

Luke: hi from Japan

You: that's adorable

You: hi lol

Luke: what are you doing rn?

You: psychology revision

Luke: I'll leave you to it

You: no it's fine Luke

You: I want to talk anyway

I stopped doing my work and instead pulled my headphones out, turning off my music and called Luke.

When Luke answered with a giggle I smiled, "Why're you giggling?"

"I got given candy floss." Luke giggled again, "I love Japan."

It was loud wherever he was so I asked and he said he was leaving the airport. "I just wanted to see how you're doing? I haven't called in a while and I know it's lunch time where you are."

"You talked to me yesterday morning." I smiled to myself, "I missed you."

"I miss you too."

I heard more giggling but it didn't come from Luke. It was awkward for a few seconds. Luke was trying to figure out his sexuality still and they were seeing if anything was happening between them. "So have you talked to her yet?"

"No, we're together but were not? We're just talking right now but when I get to LA I'll see her."

"Why would you see her?"

"I don't know." I frowned, "Hey don't be upset, I'm just an idiot who can't bare being alone."

"You're not alone." I pouted, "You have me."

"I know I do, babe."

"Can we Skype tonight?" I asked, ignoring the pet name, it had been cropping up a little bit recently.

"I'm free tonight, so yeah, I can." Luke said, and I knew he was smiling. He got so shy sometimes and it was endearing.

"What time?" I asked.

"Eight, I think? It'll be ten there." Luke said, reminding me of the time zone difference.

I then heard fumbling before I heard Michael yell, "Reece!" He yelled, "How're you and Char?"

I laughed, "We're good. Char is planning on saving up to see Tyler though."

"Where is she from?" Michael asked.

"New Jersey."

"We could pay for it." Michael offered then and my eyes widened.

"She's pretty determined to do it herself, Mike. She got herself a job and everything." I chuckled. "I do too soon."

I could hear Luke whining in the back ground for the phone back making me smile, he actually wanted to talk to me. I found that fucking weird--like a boy wanted to talk to me and compliment me and call me babe.

I heard more fumbling and Luke giggled again, "I'm back. I'm gonna get you and Char out to New Jersey when we play, and we can meet again." Luke said eagerly.

"I don't know, Luke." I said hesitantly, "I don't want you paying for that, and my mum will want to come too so we're safe. You shouldn't have to pay for it."

"No, no; I insist. I want Char to meet Ty, I ship it."

"I'd have to talk to my mum." I said quietly, and Luke cheered. "But keep it a secret from Char, it can be a surprise."

"Sure, yeah. That's settled."

It was quiet for a few seconds before Luke said quietly, "I-I can't wait to see you Reece."


Soon, I promise

I sound like 5sos before they had an album out lmao

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