41. Lunch then Party

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I woke up and its day of my party and my lunch with dad. Then it hit me, It was my birthday! I look over at my bed side table and see, 18 roses.

I'll see you soon - Matt

I smiled. And got up and got dress was walking out of my room and Matt walks in front of me. "See me soon than you thought," He said with a playful smile. He put one hand under my hair, I walk back into the door as he kissed me. We got to go, I said as I notice the time. "Alright lets go," He said.

So we both drove seprate cars and we made it to the restruant just in time. I walk and notice my dad wasnt there. I sat there at a table for about 45 minutes. Can I have the check please? I ask the waiter. But about that time my dad walk in. I look back at the waiter. Nevermind, I said. "Jane I am so sorry, Traffic was bad coming here," Dad said. Traffic wasnt that bad when I got here, I said. "Well I took a different way to get here," He said. Theres only one way to get here but whatever, I said.

"So tell me do you have a have a boyfriend?" He ask. No, I said. "Oh so who's the boy that comes in all the time?" He ask. Oh thats probably my best friend Matt, I said. So um hows things been since you got out of jail? I ask. "Its been okay, Could be better but I finally got a job and I start Monday." He said. Thats good, I said. "Yeah so hows school?" He ask. Um it hasnt started yet, I said. "Oh?" He ask. Yeah the tornado hit and they were suppost to start today but they had inspection so we couldnt go.

Mark went to school one day but it got cancelled until Monday like us, I said. "Well at least we you guys got another day off," He said. Yeah, I said. "So was that Marks Girlfriend that I met?" He ask. Yeah, I said quietly. "Is she pregnant?" He ask. Yeah, I said softly. "Is It his?" He ask. Yep, I said as i look down at the table.

"Wow," Dad said quitely. I know, I said. "He's only 15," He said putting his hand on the table. I know, I said. "So when can I meet him?" He ask. Soon, I said. "Great," He said. Well I guess I should be going, I said. "Okay," He said as I got up and he followed. I gave him a hug and then watch him drive away. I got into my car and watch Matt get into his. I sat there and then got a message from Matt. See you at your place. So I started my car and head to the hotel.




Hey, are you okay? I ask Jane as she got out of the car. "Yeah," She said. I lean downed and kissed her. Then I look up to see her dad. I look at him to make sure he knows not to screw up. I look down and and smile back at Jane and we walk off and I look back at her dad. So we got to her hotel room.

"Wheres Mark and Sophia?" She ask. They're busy, I said. "Doing what?" She ask. Jane stop talking, I said as I kissed her. I knew what they were doing But it was a suprise and I couldnt tell her. I pulled away. Well I have to go, I said. "Okay," She said. See you later, I said.

I got home to make sure the party decorations were going good. Wow guys this looks great, I said. 30 minutes later people started coming in. I know that Jane knew she was having a party today but she didnt know when and where. As everyone got there I made everyone be quiet so I could call Jane. Hey jane I need you to come over, I said. "Why?" She ask. Because theres something wrong with my TV and I cant figer out how to fix it, I said. "Here a thought call a electrician," She said. Jane please just come over, I said.

"On my 18th birthday I have to comeover and help you fix a TV," She said. Oh get over it and get over here, I said. Oh and where something nice, like a party dress, I said. "To fix a TV?" She ask. Yes, Yes just please do it, I said. "Okay, okay I'll be over soon." She said. So we stayed quiet and turn the lights off until she got there. Then my phone rings. Hello? I said. "Are you even home? The lights arent even on," She said. Yes, Im here. "Oh my God if your not even trying to use this TV Im gona kick your," Was all she could say because she walk through the door.

SUPRISE! Everyone screamed. Holy crap, "Yall scared me." She said laughing. we all laugh.





I was looking around talking to everyone and look over to see Jack. Hey, I said with a smile. "Hey Jane happy birthday," He said as he gave me a hug. Thanks, How have you been? I ask. "I've been good. Better now not as crazy," He said. Ah you werent crazy, Just a little moody was all, I said laughing. "Haha Yeah, Im sorry for everything," He said. Well It's all good now and you came to the party so have fun, I said with a smile. "Okay thanks," He said with a smile.

I walk over to Matt and grab him to walk with me. Your  A-mazing, I said with a smile. "We I had to do something for someone like you," He said with a smile. "Also you look beautiful tonight," He said. Well thank you, I said. "Hey Jane happy birthday," Mason said jumping by me. I laugh and went on.

Zane, Thanks for coming, I Said. "Hey I wouldnt miss it," He said with a smile. "I just didnt think Jack would be here," He added. Hey man give Jack a break he's changing, I said. "Yeah I hope so, I think im gona say hi and see where it goes from there," Zane said. well you should and it looks like him and Matt a getting along, I said. "Yeah, well see you soon Jane," He said.

"JAAAAAAAANE!" Ann said. Ann hey, how the hell are ya? I ask laughing. "Oh you know just doing my thing," She said. I laugh. "I see Jacks here," She said. Yeah that seems to be the topic of the hour, I said as I folded my arms. "Well get to your party girl. Oh and when you get back to the hotel I have something waiting for you," She said. alright cool, I said.

All and all the party was awesome. Pretty much everyone from school showed up. I couldnt wait for senior year to start, I thought to myself. It was about 2AM when everyone started going home. Me and Matt sat down on his couch after picking up the messes. Thank you so much, I said to him. He yawned, "Your welcome. Do you want to stay here?" He ask. I do but I need to go home. I've been staying out way too many nights and Marks might start wondering what Im doing, I said.

"Well alright babe be safe and call me when you get home," He said. I will, I said. then we got up and walk to the door. Then he kissed me goodnight. I walk to my car and drove off. I got to the hotel 20 minute later. Then I saw Mark in his car with sophia. I walk up to it and knock on the window. Ah what the hell are you doing? I ask. "We're um, we are listening to music," Mark said.

Seriously guys, dont do that your already having a baby, I said. "But its good for the baby," Sophia said. Yeah well it's bad for me. Now come on. I said. We got into the hotel room and I called Matt to let him know im home. Then I got in bed and knew I was gona sleep well tonight.




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