Three Bad Boys and a Waitress

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The morning sunrise fills my room, the sun rays resembling liquid gold. I squint as I grab a hold of my phone sitting on my beside table, 10:08 it reads. I yawn, grateful that I still had an hour before I started my shift at a burger joint. Yes, a burger joint, not the most exciting place to work, but hey! The pay is decent and I get a good discount so that's a plus side.

I stumble out of bed and run down the stairs, the house is a mess and I knew why exactly why. Thomas, my older brother is staying at our house until he decides to go back to college, which I hope is very soon. I hate all this mess.

'Good Morning. You look like death,' Thomas stifles a laugh as he takes in my appearance.

'Thanks! I was totally going for that look, you jerk.' I scowl as I pour some cereal.

I take a better look around, red solo cups are littered around the house, food packages adorn the carpet, and is that peanut butter smeared on the couch? What the hell? Thomas looks at my confused expression and his face pales.

'Oh, mum will be very pleased about this.' I smirk placing my hands on my hips.

'I'll give you $15 if you don't tell her, besides when do I have to clean this up by?' He groans.

'Make it $30 and you have yourself a deal! She'll be back in 2 days, will you even be able to clean everything up?' I challenge him, raising my eyebrows.

'$30 are you serious? No way, I'm practically broke already Arabella.' He cries out.

'Oh that's a shame.' I smirk evilly while I being to dial mum's number.

'You wouldn't.' He searches my face for any hint that I'm bluffing.

'Oh but I would.' he I smirk. This is too easy.

'Yeah right.' He rolls his eyes and I place the phone to my ear.

'Hi mum!' I chirp into the phone and Thomas makes a cut throat action, pleading for me to stop.

'I just wanted to say hi! Hope your having a good holiday.' I smirk and hang up.

'I can't believe you did that! You know you're way too deceptive,' He rolls his eyes.

I give him a look that says 'You know it' before I go upstairs. I brush the tangles out of my hair and tie it up in a bun, how do you even master the messy bun? I apply some makeup and get dressed in my uniform, grabbing my phone, lip gloss and purse I walk down the stairs, waving goodbye to Thomas.

'Clean the house!' I yell and he grumbles incoherently.

The crisp autumn breeze relaxes me instantly, the trees surrounding our house are beautiful shades of orange and red. The walk to the mall is about 15 minutes each way. I love working at the mall, it was interesting working at the mall, studying all the different types of people who passed through.

'Good morning, Robert,' I say to my manager as I walk into the burger joint. Robert is about 50 years old and he has worked here ever since, he only lets family work here, which is surprising that he gave me the job. He and mum were good friends back at school and she practically begged him to let me work here until I finished school.

'Hello, Arabella.' He says, he has a slight British accent and it shows when he speaks my name. I looked around the restaurant, it was pretty empty. But I knew once it hit lunchtime, it would be crazy busy.

As I was looking around, three teenage boys walked in and sat down in the red booths. Scrap that, three Greek
Gods walked in. All of them had chiseled jaw lines, and defined cheek bones. Two of them were brunette and the tallest one was blonde, they were incredibly handsome. I couldn't stop staring, they were all just so beautiful.

'Arabella! Stop daydreaming and take their order.' Robert yells over the sizzle of the grill. Damnit. I frantically try to rearrange my bun so it looked some what decent. I place my hands on my cheeks to try and cool them down. Why am I acting like this?? Pull yourself together. You're taking a burger order not proposing!

'Hello, are you ready to order?' I asked them, they looked uninterested and bored.

'Yes, I'll have the chicken and cheese with a Coke.' Says the first brunette babe. I quickly scribble his order down.

'I'll have the sweet chilli chicken.' The second brunette says smoothly.

'Oh yes that's my favourite one! It tastes heavenly.' I say as I write his order down.

'Look sweetheart, I really don't care about your opinion on it, just write it down and get back into the kitchen, where you belong.' He laughs and I frown. Such a pretty face wasted on an asshole personality.

'There's no need to be rude.' I say in a small voice, my confidence has seemed to vanish me.

'Like I give a shit.' He laughs as he pulls out his phone.

I glance at the third boy, he has deep brown eyes, so brown they could be mistaken as black. His face is adorned with freckles and his green shirt brings out the colour of his eyes, he's breathtakingly attractive.

'And what can I get for you?' I say politely.

'I'll have a slice of you, with a lemonade,' He winks and I roll my eyes at his flirtatious gesture.

'Oh I'm sorry, I'm not on the menu,' I smirk and place my hands on my hips. I'm surprised by my sudden boost of confidence, I guess some people really bring out the good in you. He smiles and I decide I like him the most, I've always loved cocky guys.

'Well in that case I'll have the bacon burger, thanks babe,' His voice has a slight accent, but I can't figure out what type.

'I'll be right out with your burgers,' I force a smile and sway my hips to the sound of the radio, softly paying throughout the restaurant.

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