Chapter 4

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I glance at my iPhone, 5:26pm it reads. My shift has just finished and I'm walking home, Mum and Dad get back tonight and I'm so excited to see them. I walk past the park when I hear a little girl crying. I walk into the park and immediately rush over to her.

'Hey, hey what's wrong?' I ask gently, as I pick her up.

'I'm l-lost,' She stutters and I stand up and brush the sand off her pale pink dress.

'Well let's go find your mummy,' I say to her.

'Not mummy, my cousin,' She says hiccuping and I nod my head and start to walk. Her cousin must be the worst babysitter ever. Seriously, not even Thomas is this bad at looking after little kids, and that says a lot.

'Evie? Evie!?' I hear someone yelling and she tries to wiggle out of my grasp, she runs over to the boy and hugs his legs. I awkwardly walk over to them.

'Evie, what have I said about walking off like that? I could have lost you. I was just trying to get you an icecream.' The boy scolds her and pulls her in for a hug and kisses her forehead.

The boy looks up to me and I gasp. What is he doing here?

'What are you doing here Arabella? Stalking me?' He says picking up Evie and rolling his eyes.

'Actually, I found her crying and returned her to you. You know you shouldn't be so rude considering I helped you.' I say sarcastically and stark to walk off.

'Wait. You're right, thankyou,' He says unsure and I realise he probably hasn't thanked many people in his life.

'That's okay..' I drag out the word waiting for him to tell me his name.

'Connor. And we aren't friends, got it? Don't tell anyone I saw you, freak. I have a reputation to keep up.' He spits and I nod and walk off. Did he just change his whole personality in 2 seconds?

I glance back at him one more time, but him and Evie are gone. I walk home in silence, not even listening to music through my headphones.

Thomas is sprawled out on the couch in his normal position eating an apple. The house is a mess as per usual, which doesn't even surprise me.

'Where's mum and dad?' I ask confused.

'They called to say they won't be home for another week. Another week of freedom!' He fist bumped the air as my heart sinks down to my stomach.

'But school starts tomorrow? I say worried.

'Yeah I guess I'll just have to drive you and fill in your administration sheets,' He shrugs nonchalantly.

'Oh okay.' I say disappointed. I was looking forward to them coming home so we could eat an actual meal instead of microwave meals.

I open up my book as my phone vibrates, the caller ID says 'Mum' I put it on speaker and pick up.

'Hey mum,' I say.

'Hi darling, how are you?' She says sweetly.

'Fine. Why are you staying another week?' I say cutting straight to the chase.

'Um. We are having a holiday. Your father and I haven't had a holiday in more than 10 years.' She says.

'Right. I gotta go, goodnight mum. Love you,' I say and we bid our goodbyes.

6 minutes later the phone rings again, I pick up instantly, expecting it to be mum.

'What mum? We just talked,' I laugh annoyed.

'Oh hi sweetcheeks!! Just checking you are in bed, it's almost 7:30, you're bedtime!' Says a mocking voice and I try not to giggle.

'Hello Parker, very nice impersonation. You nearly had me fooled.' I laugh

'Mhm, I'm good aren't I? How are you doing this evening?' He asks.

'Why are you talking like that? Why are you being so formal?' I question him.

'Eh who knows, I heard about your little encounter today.' I can picture his stupid lopsided smirk.

'Oh? Please do elaborate.' I say.

'Connor is drunk off his ass and he keeps talking about some pretty girl who tried to abduct his little cousin.' Parker laughs and someone yells something in the background.

'That's not what happened! I helped him. He wasn't even looking for her! If I wasn't there, who knows what would have happened.' I say frustrated.

'Yeah, don't take it to heart sweetheart, Connor is like that.' Parker says.

'There's no excuse for being an asshole.' I say defiantly.

'You're right Ara.' He says and I pause.

'You called me Ara? Only James calls me that.' I say.

'Oh sorry, I didn't realise, I'll just call you Arabella if it makes you feel weird.' He says.

'Thanks, it's just a special thing.' I say smiling.

'Of course. Are you excited about school tomorrow?' He asks.

'I don't know, kind of. The break has been too long.' I say.

'Yeah true, anyway have fun tomorrow. I'll call you later tomorrow night. Goodnight Arabella.' He says and I try not to swoon.

'Goodnight Parker.' I say and end the call with butterflies racing in my stomach.

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