Chapter 6

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'Ha! I so beat you loser.' Thomas yells as he finishes the final lap on Mario Kart.

'Whatever, I was distracted.' I say determined to win the next round.

'By what?' He snorts unattractively.

'There was a really ugly man sitting next to me.' I say teasing him.

'Gee thanks sis. You know we should make a deal. Whoever loses the next round has to do the dishes for 3 weeks.' He says smugly.

'2 weeks.' I say just in case I don't win. I did not want to be stuck doing dishes for 3 weeks, especially when Mum has her big client dinners.

'Deal.' We shake hands and fix our eyes back into the screen. Who knew a simple game could be so intense?

'YES!' I scream in victory, I can't believe I just beat my brother in Mario Kart? When will the Guinness world record people show up?

'I hate you. Can we make it 1 week?Thomas grumbles and I flick my hair.

'Nope. Because if I lost I'd want to make it a week and you wouldn't let me.' I say grinning at his mad expression. Thomas flips me off and starts up another lap.

'Up for another round?' I say and he rolls his eyes.

'No, I gotta practice man.' He says and looks back at the TV. 'Hey I ordered pizza, it should be here any minute.' He glances at his phone.

'Now this is why your my favourite brother.' I say.

'I'm your only brother?' He says confused and I laugh. The doorbell rings and I saunter over to the door fixing my shirt.

'Good evening, here's your Hawaiian and pepperoni pizza with garlic bread, that'll be $19.50.' He says in a monotone voice, not looking up.

'Why are you speaking so monotone, Jackson.' I say mimicking him and his head snaps up and smiles when he sees me.

'Oh hey Arabella, how are you?' He asks politely.

'Good, how are you? Mr. Delivery boy.' I say giggling and he runs his fingers through his hair.

'Ha. Ha. I'm great Miss Burger Girl.' He laughs and I smile back at him, pulling out the money I owe him.

'Shoot. I only have $10 in here, I'll be right back.' I say and he pulls on my wrist.

'Don't stress babe. It's on me.' He winks and hands me the pizza.

'Wait! Let me at least give you a $10 tip.' I say.

'Gotta run! Got pizzas to deliver, The worst thing in the world is angry customers. People have a short tolerance for lateness.' He calls back and hops into the car, cruising down the street. I can't help but smile to myself, these boys are so kind. Except Connor, he's a different story.

'What took so long?' Thomas says from behind me and I jump.

'How long have you been standing there?!' I shriek.

'Not long, why?' He says suspiciously and I let out a shaky breath.

'Oh no reason.' I say handing him his box and walking over to the kitchen. He follows me and we both sit down at the bench.

'Why are you blushing hm?' He says intrigued and I place my hands on my cheek.

'I'm not? Am I?' I ask stupidly and he just gives me a blank stare.

'Maybe it's because I'm so in love with this pizza.' I say pointing and opening the box like it's an award.

'I respect that. That pizza is pretty damn gorgeous.' He says.
So was the boy who delivered it, I think to myself.

'You know, mum and dad better come back soon, we're going to get fat.' Thomas says while he stuffs his face with pizza. Charming.

'Yeah true, but this pizza is really good.' I say devouring my slice. We eat in silence. After both the boxes have been emptied, we do our own stuff, I walk up the stairs and take a quick shower. The water is warm and soothes my body.

I check Instagram, Facebook and Snapchat but nobody seems to be online, so I find myself drifting into sleep, dreaming about the three boys.

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