Chapter 37

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I fidget nervously, today is graduation day. All our twelve years of education are finally over and we might not see any of these people ever again. These people I've grown up with and shared so many fond memories with. They start calling up names and the butterflies in my stomach erupt. The time has blown by so quickly and I can't believe this day is finally here.

I have so many emotions and questions swirling through my mind. I look over to Parker, he looks so silly yet handsome in his graduation gown.

'Jackson Kingley.' The head of the school calls out and I smile as Jackson leaps out of his seat and walks to the stage to receive his certificate.

'Sam Kelly.' He calls out and everyone cheers as she walks up to the front,

'Yeah baby!' Connor yells out and I watch as she blushes and blows a kiss to him, he pretends to catch it and he sits down again.

'Amanda Hicks.' They call and Parker makes a gagging noise which makes me giggle, she saunters up to the stage purposely swinging her hips and I roll my eyes.

'Arabella Simms.' They call out and I stand up as Parker leaps out of his chair, placing a kiss on my cheek before I walk to the podium. The principal hands me my certificate and I feel so happy I could burst.

'Connor Dillon.' They call out and Connor walks out, they call many other names out and I smile as I look around my year level.

'Parker Samuels.' He calls out and my smile increases when Parker walks out.

'Ladies and Gentleman the class of 2015.' The headmaster announces as we are clapped out of the hall. Mum insists we take photos to look back on when we're older so twenty minutes we have a thousand graduation photos.

'That totally sucked.' Parker complains and I roll my eyes.

'We didn't even get to throw our hats up into the air like they do in every movie ever.' Connor pouts and I laugh, these boys are so silly.

'So we finally graduated.' Jackson says shaking his head.

'I know it's crazy.' I agree, I still can't believe high school is over. The best years of our life are finished and now we are facing adulthood.

'We should throw a party.' Jackson smirks.

'Yeah man, our last high school party.' Parker agrees throwing his arm around me.

'I'll pick you up later at 8 baby.' Parker kisses me on the lips and I smile. I say goodbye to the group and walk over to my family.

'I can't believe your finally graduated.' Mum wipes a tear from her face with the back of her hand.

'I know.' I smile as she hugs me. We hop into the car and Dad pulls into McDonald's, I raise my eyebrows and look to Thomas confused. My parents hate fast food places, they are health nuts unlike Thomas and I.

'Celebration treat.' Dad explains and I crack a smile. We order an abundance of food and Thomas eats like there is no tomorrow.

'Slow down son, you're acting as if you haven't seen food in a year.' Dad says to Thomas and here  rolls his eyes.

'As if that's going to stop him he's a fatass.' I say and he smirks before flipping me off before mum sees. I love joking with him like this, it's absolutely hilarious.

'So how are you celebrating Bells?' Mum asks me curiously.

'Parker's having a small party.' I say waiting for their lecture, instead they nod their heads.

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