Chapter 2

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I slump down onto my couch, internally sighing. I flick through the channels desperately trying to find something good to watch. I give up, nothing good is ever on TV. I'm absolutely exhausted, I worked all day. Thomas must have picked up on my mood because he kept looking at me questioningly.

'What's up with you?' He finally says.

'I'm exhausted, three boys came in the restaurant today, I've never seen them before. They were so rude, and acted like they were too cool for anything,' I clench my fists thinking about the extremely sexist comment he said to me.

Thomas just raises his eyebrows 'Weird. I wonder what school they go to?' He ponders aloud.

'Don't know, don't care.' I holler as I walk up the stairs and up to my room. I strip down from my uniform and change into sweatpants and a loose shirt, as I place my uniform in the wash, a note falls out. Confused, I pick it up and blush, in raggedy handwriting is-

'Babe, I hope to see you again, by the way you look incredibly cute in that little uniform ;) - P'
P.S ring me 0478 641 692
(a/n that is a fake number don't call it)

What? How did he even slip that in my pocket without noticing? Which one was it? So many questions are floating around my head. Should I ring him? I shake my head and walk downstairs to grab snacks, lots of snacks. Nothing is  better than a Netflix marathon when you're stressed.

'What the hell are you doing with all that food?' Thomas yells from his position on the couch.

'A girls gotta eat,' I shrug and walk up the stairs. I pace around for several minutes with my phone in my hand. After much liberation I decide to call him.

'Hello?' A husky voice sounds through the phone making me shiver involuntary.

'Um hi,' I stutter. Gosh, I'm a pathetic excuse for a girl.

'And who would this be?' He draws out, I could imagine him pressing his temples, trying to recognise where my voice was from.

'Oh it's Arabella, the waitress from the burger restaurant,' I say awkwardly.

'Oh, hello gorgeous, I was wondering when you'd call me,' He chuckles.

'Mhm, don't sound too eager. Now which obnoxious boy is this that left me that note? I ask him while picking at my fingernails.

'Obnoxious boy hey?' He asks.

'Yes, either the one who flirted with me, the rude sexist one, or the polite one?' I ask through the phone.

'You don't recognise my voice do you?' He says and I try my hardest to recall.

'Well let me help you out, babe,' He says and I immediately recognise him as the boy who flirted with me. I mentally face palm, of course the flirtatious one would leave a note for me.

'Oh yeah, I think I vaguely remember,' I smirk.

'Mhm, how could you possibly forget someone like me?' He asks cockily.

'Well it's very easy, babe,' I mimic him.

'Eager are we?' He pauses, 'Second time talking and you're already calling me babe?' He laughs.

'W-What? I was mimicking you!' I splutter angrily, his calm tone making my anger rage.

'Yeah yeah, whatever you say,' He says laughing.

'Why you little,' I start to say.

'Now, now, calm down sweetheart. It was just a joke,' He says smoothly.

'Whatever. Can you tell me your name?' I ask, infuriated.

'I don't know if I should tell you,' He says mysteriously.

'What?! That's not fair, you know my name,' I say, starting to get annoyed.

'Mhm, but I never asked for it. And besides that's for me to know, and you to find out my dear,' He chuckles.

'C'mon, tell me!' I say through the phone.

'Nope.' He says childish and I roll my eyes. There is a long pause and then he hangs up on me. I look at my phone disappointed and infuriated. After staring at my phone waiting for him to call back, I give up and opened 10 Things I Hate About You up on Netflix.

My phone buzzes next to me and I pick it up again.

'Sorry babe, my connection cut out.' He says.

'Yeah sure.' I say sarcastically and he laughs.

'You're interrupting my movie on Netflix.' I whine.

'Netflix and chill?' He asks cockily and I squeal in embarrassment.

'Shut up!' I laugh and he giggles. Wow, I didn't think he would be capable of giggling.

'Cute giggle.' I point out.

'I didn't giggle.' He argues and I roll my eyes, why are boys like this?

'Whatever, but you totally did.' I say.

'Yeah yeah. I'm tired.' He says and yawns.

'Same.' I reply lamely.

'Well, goodnight babe.' He says and hangs up the phone again. My head hits the pillow, and I quickly fall asleep.

Three Bad Boys and A WaitressWhere stories live. Discover now