Chapter One

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“Although no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending.” 

Isabella slowly made her way down the new hallway of her boarding school. She looked down at the paper the headmistress had given her which had the number of her locker and its combination scribbled down on it in neat, cursive hand writing.

She struggled to find the locker and decided it was hopeless until her eyes landed on number 14B. She smiled happily, feeling a lot better as she started towards her locker.

She unlocked it and loaded her books inside, sighing with relief after having accomplished one of her many tasks.

Next, she had to find her dorm room which was on the third floor. Because the school was rather old, Isabella had to take the stairs.

Glancing around as she acsended the flight of stairs,she recived glares from most of the girls and wicked, vile smirks from boys to which she responded by looking away.

Finally after what seemed like a century, she reached the third floor. Her dorm room wasn't that far away from the staircase, which she knew would come in handy in case of an emergency like a fire.

Isabella had a bad habit of considering every bad thing that might happen.

She was paranoid most of the time, thinking the people who gave her nasty looks were out to get her. Her best friend, Anna, whom she missed dearly had pointed out in her matter-of-fact tone:

"Bella, the girls only give you nasty looks because you're gorgeous".

Isabella had scoffed and rolled her eyes. There were many adjectives used to describe Isabella Somers, but in her point of view, gorgeous definitely wasn't one of them.

After knocking and waiting politely, Isabella stood in front of the white washed dorm room door. About thirty seconds later, after some audible shuffling and a few giggles, the door flew open to reveal a pretty red head with wavy hair and sparkling green eyes.

Her smile was friendly and warm and Isabella liked her almost instantly.

"Hi! You must be Isabella. I'm Kathy, it's so nice to meet you!" Isabella smiled and walked into the room to find two pairs of eyes studying her with equally friendly smiles. Isabella turned to Kathy with a warm smile.

"It's so nice to meet you, too." Kathy smiled and motioned to the two girls to come closer and join her and Isabella.

"Isabella this is Lisa she's one of my best friends" Kathy gestured towards a tall, lanky blonde with big brown eyes rimmed with green.

They were much more interesting than Isabella's boring gray eyes.

"Hi! Welcome to Green Mount Acadamy. I know it seems like a huge bore but that's just because it's the first day. Everything will get better tomorrow!" Lisa explained with a genuine smile.

"I'm so glad you're my roommates. You seem really  nice!" Isabella smiled happily.

"And this is Melany. She's the brains of this dorm" Kathy winked at a brunette with wide, round green eyes and a pale complexion. Melany made a face at her best friend before smiling at Isabella.

"Kathy, you say it like it's a bad thing! Isabella, you are so pretty! I'm like seriously jealous of you" Melany said half heartedly after cracking a smile that showed off her perfectly straight teeth.

Isabella knew from the get go that she would become extremely close with these three girls mostly because they reminded her of her friends back home, the ones she had to leave because of certain circumstances...

"You're bed's beside mine. Come on you better start unpacking before the assembly" Kathy tugged Isabella by her wrist, leading her to a single bed covered with white linen sheets.

"Assembly?" Isabella questioned as she unzipped her duffle bag and began unloading its contents into her drawers.

"Yeah it's sort of a weclome gathering where the headmistress and a few prefects take turns to speak about the year to come. It's mind numbingly boring but afterwards is supper and the food's not half bad" Lisa explained as she folded a plaid skirt.

"So Bella, what was your old school like?" Kathy asked as she sat cross legged on her bed. Isabella smiled at the nickname she was given before opening her mouth to tell her new friends about her old school.

"Well it wasn't a boarding school..." but before she could elaborate Melany interrupted her with a question.

"So this is your first boarding school?" she asked Isabella, who responded with a tentative nod.

"Oh Bella, you're in for the time of your life. Boarding school is so much more fun!" Kathy gushed jumping up from her bed.

The three girls laughed at the over excited jumping red head before the bell went off.

"Assembly time" Lisa said, linking her arm with Isabella's. 

As Lisa had warned Isabella, the assmebly was mind numbling boring indeed. Bella had spent most of the time fidgeting with her plaid skirt which, along with the white dress shirt and maroon blazer, was the school's uniform.

Kath had giggled at Bella's attempts to get comfortable. The four girls had dispersed into the crowd the moment they entered the assmebly hall, however, because Kathy was clasping Bella's hand the whole time, they ended up sitting beside each other.

Kathy pulled out her cell phone and started tweeting about how bored she was which earned her a muffled laugh from Isabella. Both girls knew that at that very moment, they had found their best friend.

Towards the end of the headmistress's speech Isabella couldn't shake the feeling that she was being watched.

Naturally, her paranoia didn't help her case. In fact, she fidgeted even more in frustration. Kathy eyed her suspiciously and whispered.

"What's wrong? Why are you dancing around like that?" Isabella giggled before answering.

"I'm not dancing around!" she then looked around, trying to find whoever it was who was staring at her.

"I feel like someone's staring at me" she confessed, paranoia laced her tone.

"As beautiful as you are Bella, no one's staring at you." Kathy winked at her before returning to her phone. 

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